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wiki: 印尼华人
Loyalty in question (1950–1966)[]
The Netherlands relinquished its territorial claims in the archipelago (with the exception of ) following the , which is the same year that the retreated to Taiwan, allowing the to take control of mainland China. Most Chinese Indonesians considered a communist China less attractive than a newly independent Indonesia, but in the archipelago their loyalties were questioned. Ethnic Chinese born in the Dutch East Indies whose parents were under Dutch administration were regarded as citizens of the new state according to the principle of , or "right of the soil".
However, Chinese law considered a person as a Chinese citizen according to the principle of , or right of blood. This meant that all Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent were also claimed as citizens by the People's Republic of China. After several attempts by both governments to resolve this issue, Indonesia and China signed a on the sidelines of the 1955 in . One of its provisions was the ability to renounce Chinese citizenship for those who wished to solely remain Indonesian citizens.They had thought they were unwanted in Southeast Asia because they were Chinese; then they were rejected in China because they were Indonesian.

As many as 390,000 ethnic Chinese, two-thirds of those with rightful claims to Indonesian citizenship renounced their Chinese status when the treaty came into effect in 1962.
On the other hand, an estimated 60,000 ethnic Chinese students left for the People's Republic of China in the 1950s and early 1960s. The first wave of students were almost entirely educated in Chinese-language schools, but were not able to find opportunities for tertiary education in Indonesia. Seeking quality scientific professions, they entered China with high hopes for their future and that of the mainland. Subsequent migrations occurred in 1960 as part of a repatriation program and in 1965–1966 following a series of that also drew anger toward the ethnic Chinese. As many as 80 percent of the original students who entered the mainland eventually became refugees in Hong Kong. Under the programs of China's (1966–1976), the returned overseas Chinese were questioned for their loyalty because of their foreign connections. As most had grown up in an urban environment they were sent to the countryside, told to "rebel against their own class background", and eventually lost contact with their families. They were attacked as "imperialists", "capitalists", "spies", "half-breeds", and "foreign devils".Restrictions on rural non-indigenous retail businesses in 1959 led to rapid urbanization of the ethnic Chinese community.
In 1959, following the introduction of soft- rule through , the Indonesian government and military began placing restrictions on residence and trade. These regulations culminated in the enactment of in November 1959, banning retail services by non-indigenous persons in rural areas. Ethnic Chinese, , and Dutch businessmen were specifically targeted during its enforcement to provide a more favorable market for indigenous businesses.
This move was met with protests from the Chinese government and some circles of Indonesian society. Javanese writer later criticized the policies in his 1961 book . An movement, led by the Chinese-Indonesian political party (Badan Permusjawaratan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia), began to gather interest in 1963, including that of President . However, a series of attacks on ethnic Chinese communities in in May proved it to be short-lived, despite the government's condemnation of the violence. When Baperki was branded a communist organization in 1965 the ethnic Chinese were implicated by association; this was exacerbated in the public mind by the People's Republic of China's communism. As many as 500,000 people, the majority of them Javanese Muslims and Balinese Indonesians but including a minority of several thousand ethnic Chinese, were killed in which followed the , suspected as being communist-led, on 30 September 1965.大家其实不必过多关注这几次事件的政党之争,坑的都是普通老百姓,再当时的环境下,人人自危,谁敢说我去投奔大陆就一定能脱离危险?同理,国籍之争也无必要,当时也没多少人能看到祖国现在之强大吧?如果现在发生这种事,如果能发生的话,大家相比都知道该怎么办了吧?
危害人类罪(英语:Crimes Against Humanity),旧译为“违反人道罪”,又译为“反人类罪”,于2002年7月1日生效的《国际刑事法院罗马规约》(Rome Statute ofInternational Criminal Court)将该罪名中文译名确定为“危害人类罪”。规约中的定义为“是指那些针对人性尊严极其严重的侵犯与凌辱的众多行为构成的事实。这些一般不是孤立或偶发的事件,或是出于政府的政策,或是实施了一系列被政府允许的暴行。如针对民众实施的谋杀,种族灭绝,酷刑,强奸,政治性的、种族性的或宗教性的迫害,以及其他非人道的行为”。
(2016.6.5 作者为澳洲《新市场报》专栏作者) 1/2 1 2 下一页 尾页