别惹小孩 Trick 'r Treat
上映日期: 2008-10-10(加拿大)
片长: 82分钟
又名: 灵异万圣夜 / 不给糖就杀人 / 万圣夜游戏 / 谁的万圣节

制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 美国
语言: 英语
美 国 馆—— 生化丧尸、 咆哮丧尸、 脓肿丧尸
新西兰馆—— 癫狂丧尸 英 国 馆—— 灰白僵尸
法 国 馆—— 光头丧尸 德 国 馆—— 伪装僵尸
日 本 馆—— 女高中生僵尸 、 井底僵尸
韩 国 馆—— 大叔僵尸 、 邻居僵尸
西班牙馆—— 香水僵尸 加拿大馆—— 仆人僵尸
泰 国 馆—— 非典丧尸 挪 威 馆—— 纳粹僵尸
中 国 馆—— 清朝僵尸 、音乐僵尸
ChromeSkull 2: Laid to Rest
This is more on the suspense genre as the movie is all about a killer wearing a chrome skull to hide his identity and identify himself as the new face of death. He has his own set of equipments to kill, taking pleasure to anyone he targets.
Texas Killing Fields
Just outside the state of Texas is a place known as the Killing Fields, where actual killings take place. Two detectives have been looking for answers, searching for suspects who are responsible for the dead people left in that place. With the help of a young girl, the solving of the unknown crimes isshedding a different kind of light… an unexpected light.