生活中常用英语口语 生活常用英语句子

1 do not prop your feet up. 不要把你的脚翘放在(桌子上)。

2 scoot up. scoot over. 往前挪一点。往旁边挪一点。

3 i am going to hit the bed in ten minutes. 我十分钟内就要休息了。

4 it won't be long before we hit the road. 我们很快就要上路了。

5 all things ought to be rolling at 4:30.所有的事情都要在四点半开始做。

6 you have to jump at the chance. 你必须要把握机会。

7 i am fixing to go out. 我正准备出门。(美国南部的习惯说法)

8 he is a redneck.他是个粗人。

9 you are not suppose to stay home during the weekend. 你不应该周末还呆在家里。

10 never look down on people less superior than you. 千万不要小看地位不如你的人。

生活中常用英语口语 生活常用英语句子

11 i can tell you from the top of my head. 我想都不用想就能告诉你。

12 i can tell you by heart. 我可以凭印象告诉你。

13 i can pretty much understand what you are talking about. 我很了解你说的是什么。

14 there you go.你说的对。

15 i do not know what that is. 我不知道那是什么。

16 this is over my head. 这超出了我的理解范围。

17 beats me. 问倒我了。

18 does that ring a bell? 这帮你想起什么了吗?

19 i just do not get it. 我就是不能理解。


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