if pays to be honest It Pays to Be Honest

if pays to be honest It Pays to Be Honest

honesty is the chief and most honored virtue in this country. being dishonest is,for chinese,a shameful thing. but,to my dismay,more and more people are seen engaged in open and rampant dishonest activities nowadays. it seems that people no longer cherish honesty. students devise various strategies to cheat in examinations,write false resumes in job-hunting,etc…… businessmen wouldn't stop selling fake and inferior commodities unless they are caught.

athletes desire to get an advantage over competitors by adopting stimulants. in a word,dishonest phenomena exist in every corner of the society.

however,i still value honesty because being honest benefits all of us. for instance,if businessmen are honest in product promotion or sale,their customers will get genuine satisfaction and will return to buy more,which is a win-win situation. we are partners in this interdependent world.

if we could compete and cooperate in an honest manner,that is to say,on an equal footing,all of us would reap huge benefits and achieve greater success sooner or later.

in conclusion,it pays to be honest. i sincerely hope that people from all walks of life would be honest in their daily lives.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8104450103/274841.html


中小学生常见错别字1000个 生活中常见的错别字

中小学生常见错别字1000个  (注:括号内是正确的)  001. 爱带(戴)002.白晰(皙) 003.爆乱(暴) 004.报筹(酬) 005.暴炸(爆)006.卑却(怯) 007.辩析(辨)008.恶耗(噩) 009.材华(才) 010.喝采(

薄樱鬼斋藤一 薄樱鬼之斋藤一bg

第一开始不知道怎么弄呢?不管了先用小一打头了 这段时间闲来无事在家到处翻翻 结果翻出了放了好久都没玩的薄樱鬼本来是用来打发时间的,可是却深深的喜欢上了他们。首先是我最喜欢的小一 战斗时帅帅酷酷的小一这里吐槽一下 话说天雾啊

徐渭,字文长,(原文+译文) 楚辞 原文及译文


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