

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following two questions:
You must write your composition in no less than 100 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting.
How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English?
Most Chinese students have difficulties in learning English. The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few words. Some may have problems in reading. Others may have trouble in writing. I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in listening. For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn't understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium level.
In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the problem. I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn't have enough time to practice listening. So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a day. In addition, I listened to "Special English" on VOA. I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenever we meet so that I could have the chance to listen to the native speakers. After half a year's hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in listening comprehension tests.
I own my success to my English teacher. It is him who tells me the correct way to learn English. It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel disappointed.


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