aslongas AsLongAs…

As Long As…
As long as you have a firm stand, You will get people’s cheers; As long as you have a bright belief, You will keep away from “dark night”; As long as you are willing to work hard, You will work out problems easily; As long as you are ready to sing, You will find everything is wonderful; As long as you always wear a smile, You will know the people are so kind; As long as you can enjoy everything, You will have a good aesthetic judgment; As long as you are level, You will be the happiest in the world; As long as you have more time to live or study, You must grasp each day or minute even second; Because “Time is Money!”
As long as you are helped, You should have a thankful heart!
As long as……
This world needs too much “As long as’, Because we are all on the Earth. So, As long as you are on the Earth, you should understand… “As long as!”

aslongas AsLongAs…


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