to avoid How to Avoid Quarrelling

How to Avoid Quarrelling
There are times in our daily life when you are offensive and explosive and have quarrels with people around you. Afterwards, you may feel upset, regretting such irrational behavior. Once again ignited, you lose your temper again. Can we stop this harmful cycling?
In order to control your temper and avoid quarrelling you should learn to compmmlse. The first step is to sit back, and lake a few deep breaths. At this time, you need to keep calm rather than to vent your anger. The second step is to start communieation. Define what you mean clearly and also listen to the viewpoint of the counterpart. This will ensure there is no misunderstanding between and demonstrate that you are willing to compromise. If you do have contrary views, the third step comes to real compromise. Put aside the notions that you are right, and force yourself to think in his way. Maybe your idea will be im proved with his suggestions. Sometimes you need to agree on disagree ment as a compromise.
If you prefer to compromise rather than explode, you are likely to come up with a third way of accomplishing goals, which may satisfy both.

to avoid How to Avoid Quarrelling


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