感怀 游乐场感怀

感怀 游乐场感怀

On entering the funfair, we were greeted with laughter and music. Everywhere people were traveling at high speeds; being lifted up into the sky and dropped; driving small car and bumping into each other; shooting at targets; throwing balls at bottles, or simply standing and staring.
We were not quite sure where to begin, but on seeing a stand marked ‘ The Ghost Train’, we went towards it eagerly. When we had bought our tickets and taken our seats we were immediately carried towards a closed door. For a dreadful moment we thought we would crash into it but it slid open and we were completely in the dark. We could not understand why so many people were screaming. In a moment we realized why. A light went on in front of us and big gorilla grinned hideously at us. The train went straight towards it and at the very last moment turned away: only just in time! We barely had the chance to recover, when a skeleton appeared. It screamed, extended a bony arm and made us scream as well. A little ahead a cackling witch was lying in wait for us. The train went towards every monstrous creature that lurked in the dark, always turning away just before it was too late.
We were relieved when a door opened and we found ourselves in the open air again. But to our amazement that train did not stop. It reentered the haunted house! This time we heard strange noises and louder screams that before. Invisible hands came out of the dark and brushed through our hair or across our faces. Doors opened and closed before our eyes and monsters reached out for us. We held on tightly and shut our eyes when we saw yet another closed door ahead. This time we were sure we would hit into it. All of a sudden and brought us back to a happier world of people, lights and laughter.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8104310103/237709.html


走遍日照——日照花仙子景区有缺憾游后感怀 花仙子


母校曹杨二中甲子庆感怀 上海曹杨二中




以文会友76 神州盖世雄--国庆感怀 以文会友

神州盖世雄——国庆感怀朝霞接彩虹,天马跃长空。山水盈灵气,功业唱大风。龙蟠三万里,鹏举九千重。放眼看世界,神州盖世雄。感谢春在拂晓好友加精赠玉 2011-09-3014:12:28有时候会被一句话感动,因为真诚;

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