阿凡达观后感 阿凡达观后感 英语

Avatar is one of the movies which I enjoyed best。 Not only the 3D effect, but also the scenario shocked me very deeply。

Because of my first 3D movie watching experience, the view from movie abstracted me at the beginning of the film。 The people, the tree ,the tank and other things in the movie are so real that I afraid something hurt me if I don't have my attention。

What I learn from the scenario is that if people want to get along well with others, they should learn from the others, understand the others then when they make decision, they should put themselves into other's position

阿凡达观后感 阿凡达观后感 英语


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8104300103/236710.html


魅影骑士---电影《阿凡达》简介 阿凡达简介



阿凡达导演欲探万米最深海沟:全程3D拍摄(图)http://www.sina.com.cn/2012年03月09日09:28新浪环球地理  深海挑战者潜艇在深渊底部展开考察行动的艺术示意图新浪环球地理讯 北京时间3月9日消息,据美国国家地理网站报道,卡梅隆是拥有

阿凡达 阿凡达1电影

百科名片《阿凡达》海报阿凡达(Avatar)是一部科幻电影,由著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,二十世纪福克斯出品。该影片预算超过5亿美元,成为电影史上预算最高的电影。此外,由卡梅隆导演注入心血的全平台同名游戏《阿凡达(James Camerons Avatar

在亚洲最大的IMAX3D银幕上看《阿凡达》 阿凡达 imax


看看你的阿凡达模样 我搓你阿凡达

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