花木兰读后感400字 花木兰读后感

British war produce estrogen, men living without the heroic circumstances, there will be female hero, the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Rouran war and there are no conspicuous men, there will be a highlight of the heroine Mulan. She this is a weak girl to be his elderly father, no longer weak and she is weaving this woman, but her father in order to the army to fight. She never bow to the men, loudly told the world: from women's Xu Mei. Mulan will be off, how the rapid tension, the morale is very high, the march of more radical, more tense military situation, Junlingrushan down, as a girl left the Boudoir, in the battlefield, Heyi into another world. She and men with eating to live together and eat the same plight, the same tired, but with men stem from different deeds, created a brilliant and different men, but also proved that "where women than men» "

花木兰读后感400字 花木兰读后感


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《人性的弱点》读后感 人性的弱点读后的感受

《人性的弱点》一书作者是被誉为“成人教育之父”的卡耐基, 《人性的弱点》是卡耐基思想与事业的精髓,全书通过栩栩如生的故事和通俗易懂的原则。这本书像一面镜子,帮助我认识自我,了解自我,从而完善自我,驾驭自我,成为一个善于经营自己

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