莫泊桑 项链读后感 莫泊桑项链英文读后感


The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity

莫泊桑 项链读后感 莫泊桑项链英文读后感

“What would have happened if she hadn’t lost that necklace? Who knows? Who knows? How strange and changeful is life! How small a thing is needed to make or ruin us!” This is what impressed me most in “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant. I love the story not only due to the incredibly wonderful ending, but also because of the exquisite description of the weakness of humanity.

In his story, Guy de Maupassant creatively reveals Mathilde Loisel's dreams of a wealthy, splendid lifestyle. Mathilde's lifetime of misery and despair is solely caused by her own selfish acts. And her vain obsession all ended up ruining her life.

Vanity is defined as excessive pride, especially in your appearance. In Mathilde's case, the "excessive pride" in her looks and charm caused her to feel as if she deserved a higher ranking social class and the wealth. When she wore the necklace to the party, she wanted to give the illusion that she was something that she was not. Vanity caused Mathilde to fantasize about her life and surroundings-to live in a world of illusion, rather than reality.

Her life was affected in a negative way because of her obsession with vanity. It is so sad that she honestly felt successful the night of the dinner, just because of her looks and her surroundings. What a distorted view of true happiness and fulfillment! NEither an elegant dress or a beautiful piece of jewelry can make a person who they are. A caring and loving person has to be unselfish. Mathilde Loisel definitely lacked a caring and loving personality. The only person she proved to love was the person she wanted to be. Had Mathilde not spent so much of her life selfishly, she and Mr. Loisel could have had a lifetime of happiness. The most ironic and interesting piece of the story is the conclusion. Their lives were ruined for no reason. Had she told Mrs. Forrestier the truth about the lost necklace, she would have known that the necklace was just costume jewelry. Actually, it’s a tragedy made by herself, for she was conquered by the evil of her heart.

In pursuit of vanity may lead to the loss of ourselves. Accept who we are and to be to true to ourselves or else it will contribute to constant unhappiness. Happiness or misfortune, it all depends.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8104270103/226582.html


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莫泊桑 项链读后感 莫泊桑项链英文读后感

莫泊桑项链英文读后感The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity“What would have happened if she hadn’t lost that necklace? Who knows? Who knows? How strange and changeful is life! How small a t

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