大学生当村官英语作文 大学生村官英语作文

大学生村官英语作文一:College Graduates Work as Village Officials

There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today how college graduates should choose their careers. Some time ago, it was reported that some college graduates chose to work as village officials. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a wise choice.

On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. First, they can apply their professional knowledge there. Secondly, they can introduce new concepts to the countryside and speed the development of rural culture. As a result, the gap between the city and the countryside can well be bridged.

On the other hand, these graduates can benefit a lot from working as village officials. While too many college graduates are fighting for the handful of positions in big cities, these graduates can find themselves a wider stage of development and realize their value.

Therefore, college graduates working as village officials is a win-win choice and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside.

大学生村官英语作文二:College Graduates Work as Village Officials

Nowadays, more and more university students go to countryside ,choose to go to the village work as village officials. To this phenomenon , Some people hold the positive view while others are against it. From my point of view , I think it is a good phenomenon ,and I believe that it is a wise choice.

On the one hand, university students have enough knowledge to serve the village, they can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. First of all, they can use their professional knowledge to help the farmer there. Secondly, they can introduce new concepts to the countryside and Speed up the the development of rural culture. As a result, the gap between the city and the countryside can well be Narrowed.

In addition, the graduates can benefit a lot from working as village officials. Now a large number of college graduates still prefer to stay in big cities, But they have to face the pressure of employment , So I think university graduates go to village to be village officials is a good choice.

Therefore, college graduates working as village officials is good and helpful to us , and I hope more and more graduates should be encouraged to work as village officials in the countryside.

大学生村官英语作文四:College Graduates Work as Village Officials

Recently, more and more students graduate from university .however, the jobs offered by society are not enough. In order to coping with the situation, the government came up an idea. As a countermeasure for employment embarrassment, the central government has called upon college student to become village officials and many of them respond positively.

A famous saying goes that‘ every coin has two sides’. Some consider that the countermeasure is a good idea. It can not only relieve the pressure of the employment but also can promote a great advance of the village. But others think the former opinion does not hold water. Graduate talents are a special group of people with rich knowledge, vigorous body and enterprising spirit. According to them, it would be a prostitution of college student’s talents.

Personally, people should take a positive attitude towards the countermeasure. It is obvious that the life of the village officials can not compare with the life in the city. But college students can learn a lot of things and develop there own abilities. What’ more, with the help of the ‘village officials’, the village will became better and better. I do help it can heal the urban and rural wealth disparity and make the society more harmonious .

大学生当村官英语作文 大学生村官英语作文

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