简短读后感 简短英语读后感


简短读后感 简短英语读后感


Sherlock Holmes is one world famous detective. "Four Signs", "Return Records", "Terrorist Valley" and so on are all Konan Doyle’s most famous stories.

He is good at searching and discovering. He is a very careful person as well. In the stories, he can easily give you the explanation of the things happened just now. Sherlock Holmes is such a person.

“The hound of Baskervilles” is my favourite. There is a legend that a hound used to kill people in the Baskervilles family. Holmes wanted to know more about it because Doctor James asked him for help. During the case, Charles Baskervilles died and the cause of his death may be the hound. After watching the situation in a small house for a period of time, Holmes found the murderer and he is going to murder Sir Henry Baskervilles. Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson and Henry Baskervilles killed the hound at last and the murderer who wanted to get the money of the family finally died in the marsh.

It is a very exciting story shows how clever Sherlock Holmes is. Thanks to Konan Doyle, we can read a lot of good detective stories now.



"island of gold and silver" is a classic masterpiece in the world, is the author of the famous British writer Steven Health (1850-1894)。

This book describes Jim as a juvenile pedestrian island to find a sea pirate treasure buried money, and with the arrival led to John piracy groups conducted soul-stirring fierce fighting, the story itself. Editorial delicate fluid novels, romantic story novel, readers will stimulate the imagination, allowing readers to experience the wonderful adventure with the world moving heartstrings.

Novels praised poor, vagrants, orphans, on the noble, courageous and well-intentioned, who have expanded the evil, cowardly and insidious way to pay tribute to character and good people


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