高三英语寒假作文 高三寒假英语作文 newspaper and computer(带翻译)

高三英语寒假作文 高三寒假英语作文 newspaper and computer(带翻译)
本文是一篇高三寒假英语作文,题目为newspaper and computer,文章表达了作者对网络的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧!

高三寒假英语作文:newspaper and computer(带翻译)

As the development of the Internet, the traditional way of reading daily news has been challenged, more and more people trend to read news online, while still some people insist on reading it on the newspaper. People argue which is the best way for reading news, in my opinion, there is no best way, different people choose different manner.


Reading news online is fast and paying for free. Most young people get used to it, they use the computer every day, so that they count on the computer to receive the all kinds of information. Reading the newspaper is troublesome, they don’t like to hold the paper, it is not convenient.


While still many people like to read on the newspaper. Especially the old generation, before the popularity of computer, they read the news from the newspaper, they get used to this manner, even the computer is convenient, they just like to keep this habit.


The ways to read news are various, there is no need to compare them. I’d prefer to read it on the Internet, but sometimes I find reading it newspaper brings me fun when I have breakfast.


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