如何正确对待网络 如何对待网络潮流(英语)

As the development of Internet, people can have access to the instant news immediately, at the same time, people’s private life has been exaggerated. Once if they are pictured and the photos delivered on the Internet, they will become the hot issue any time. More and more people will be interested in photos, more private information will be exposed. Everyone is curious about the Internet trend, while we must be wise.

如何正确对待网络 如何对待网络潮流(英语)

随着网络的发展,人们可以快速接触到即时信息,同时,人们的私生活也被放大了。一旦他们被拍到照片,并被放到网上,他们随时可能成为热门话题。越来越多的人对照片感兴趣,更多的私人信息被曝光。每个人都会网络潮流感到好奇,然而我们必须理智。Since the coming of the Internet, no one will deny that Internet is one of the greatest inventions of the 20thcentury, computer brings life convenience, people can share information with each other. Now Internet can make a common people famous quickly, as long as they have something with amusement. In 2011, there was a homeless man in the street, he looked different from the average homeless people, his clothes seemed kind of fashionable, he was pictured and his photo was uploaded on the Internet. People soon paid attention to him, naming him Brother Sharp. The guy turned out to be getting lost with his family, the good news is that he gets reunion with his family, the bad news is that some media interrupt his life.随着电脑的出现,没人会否定电脑是20世纪最伟大的发明之一,电脑给生活带来了方便,人们可以彼此间共享信息。现在网络可以让一个普通人瞬间出名,只要他们有可以娱乐的东西。在2011年,街上出现了一个流浪的男子,他看上去和普通的流浪汉不同,他的衣服看起来有些时尚的味道,有人拍了照片,放上了网上。人们很快便注意到这名男子,称他为“犀利哥”。这名男子后来证实为和家人失去联系,好消息是他和家人团聚了,坏消息是一些媒体打扰了他的生活。The Internet trend is like the wind, come fast and goes fast, too. People should be wise to it, never chase for it blindly, at the same time, we should judge what is right and wrong.网络潮流就像一阵风,来也快去也快。人们应该明智对待,不要盲目追求,同时,我们应该判断对和错。



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