淘宝网天猫购物商城 淘宝购物流程图_淘宝网商城购物流程【最新版】



英文翻译:The development of the Internet popularization, have caused a great impact on our life in all aspects, including network to its low price and convenience attracted more and more people shopping online, I will step by step to teach you how to buy things in the Taobao online.

本人身份证一张 My identity card 银行卡一张 Bank card淘宝购物流程图_淘宝网商城购物流程【最新版】――方法/步骤

淘宝购物流程图_淘宝网商城购物流程【最新版】 1、


Registered Taobao account, pay treasure account. Open the Taobao website [] find free registration, follow the prompts to complete. After you have successfully registered a user.

淘宝购物流程图_淘宝网商城购物流程【最新版】 2、


To the bank to open online banking service (must be opened, and must go to the bank counter opened. www.80taobao.com,After the opening of online banking, registered Alipay account (recommend you use Taobao account email address as your Alipay account user name, as registered pay treasure, to log on to the mailbox to collect letter activation and activation), after successful activation, login pay treasure, pay treasure to the relevant information set. Then sign your Taobao, set in Taobao inside your Alipay account.

淘宝购物流程图_淘宝网商城购物流程【最新版】 3、


Enter the Taobao home, can choose a category or direct search for the commodities they like, Taobao lists related merchandise, select your desired object. Click to enter Taobao sellers shop, have a look of the seller's credit degree and the favorable rate, but some of the seller's credit degree is to rely on to brush up.

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淘宝网天猫购物商城 淘宝购物流程图_淘宝网商城购物流程【最新版】

Select the options you want to buy the goods, selected after the point of "buy now" buy you selected the goods


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Fill in your delivery address, consignee, contact telephone number is correct, in order to facilitate the seller for you after the delivery of express company contact the consignee; fill in the number of purchase what you need; completion of basic your personal information, "confirmation, continue to buy"

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Choose Alipay account balance payment, enter the Alipay account payment password, "confirmation, payment", such as Alipay account no balance can choose the bank on the net, pay to complete the pay treasure cartoon, network payment

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Pay treasure account balance of payment is successful, the seller after delivery, buyers pay attention to check the goods, receipt of goods, point to confirm receipt and payment to the seller.

挑卖家,不用看信誉高低,直接查看信用的中评和差评,那是买家朋友们最真的收货感言,好评是可以刷出来的,中评差评可都是大实话。 Pick the seller, do not have to look at the credit level, a direct view of the credit assessment and negative, it is the buyer friends really the most receiving speech, praise can be out of the brush, a bad rating is the truth.挑商品,搜索的时候应加入正品或者行货等关键字眼,可以减少挑到假货的机率。如果是电子类产品记得挑选全国联保,不要选店铺三包,坏了再寄回去修完了有的卖家要加钱才给寄回。如果是全国联保在当地就可以修了,较之有保障。 Pick goods, the search time should be added to the authentic or licensed etc. the key word, can reduce the probability of picking to fake. If electronic products remember pick Quanguolianbao, don't choose the shop three pack, bad then send back completed some sellers to add money to send back. If Quanguolianbao in local can repair, security is.付款:记得正确的流程应该是拍下-网上银行付款(此时还未到达卖家帐户中)-收货验货-确认付款(记住,确认付款钱款就会到达卖家支付宝中,一定要确保东西完整无误。) Payment: remember the correct process should be taken - online bank payment (at this time also does not reach the sellers account) - goods inspection - confirm payment (remember, confirm the payment of money will reach the sellers pay treasure, to make certain that something is correct and complete.)


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