全部释义和例句 mam mam-基本释义,mam-例句

1.N-FAMILY妈妈Mam is used to mean mother.他在我三岁时离开了,留下我和老妈、姐姐自力更生。附近的一个教会分会用马姆语布道,这是一种玛雅人的语言,当地的天主教派不支持它。

mam_mam -基本释义

You sit here and rest, Mam.妈妈,您坐在这儿歇一会。

mam_mam -例句

They should do a reality tv show on my mam "how not to......"


People can call their dad's or mam's first name at home.


And because she is honest she sees more than most, so she knows more than most, and she holds me and mamtogether.


He'd gone off when I was three and left me and mam and my sister to fend for ourselves.


So when mam took his side against laura I couldn't drop marc with a right hook to the jaw or a knee in the family jewels,though I really, really wanted to, so I just went and sat on the front step and listened to them row.


mam_mam -其他含义

全部释义和例句 mam mam-基本释义,mam-例句

1. 磁铁白蛋白微球体

2. 媒体资产管理


A nearby branch gives sermons in mam, a mayan tongue that the local catholic church does not support.


mam_mam -缩略词组

MAM:Mathematics Awareness Month 数学意识

MAM:Mission Assurance Manager (US NASA) 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的使命保证经理

MAM:Management Authorized Material (material planning) 管理授权资料(物料)

Matamoros, Mexico 墨西哥;

mitochondrial myopathy 线粒体肌病;

methylazoxymethyl acetate 甲基氧化偶氮甲基乙酸;

methazoxymethanol 甲基氧化偶氮甲醇


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8104110103/180694.html


引用 键盘指法练习图__正确坐姿和指法—基本建打字练习


蒙牛好还是伊利好 以伊利和蒙牛为例的奥运营销分析

2005年11月16日,伊利抢先一步成为北京奥运会的独家乳品赞助商,曾令蒙牛感到“非常尴尬”。但擅舞营销长袖的牛根生,当然不能就此善罢甘休。以伊利和蒙牛为例的奥运营销分析 自从获得乳品的独家赞助权,伊利无论在公益营销、产品促销

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