许家瑞现任中国复合材料学会理事、高聚物基复合材料委员会副主任委员、界面科学与工程委员会副主任委员, 广东省复合材料学会常务理事,广东省化学会理事等,并受聘为国家自然科学基金委高分子材料学科评审组委员(第7、8届)、中科院广州化学研究所纤维素化学开放研究实验室学术委员会委员等。为广东省政协常委。
许家瑞_许家瑞 -人物简介
许家瑞_许家瑞 -经历介绍

现任中国复合材料学会理事、高聚物基复合材料委员会副主任委员、界面科学与工程委员会副主任委员, 广东省复合材料学会常务理事,广东省化学会理事等,并受聘为国家自然科学基金委高分子材料学科评审组委员(第7、8届)、中科院广州化学研究所纤维素化学开放研究实验室学术委员会委员等。为广东省政协常委。
许家瑞_许家瑞 -主要研究论文目录
1. Jiarui Xu*, Yi Zhang, Quanling Zhang, "A novel approach to melt-processable molecular composites", Polymer, Vol. 42, 2689-2693, (2001) SCI收录.
2. Qingbing Zeng, Jiarui Xu*, Ruowen Fu, Functional polymer affinity matrix for purifying hexahistidine tagged recombinant proteins, J. Chromatography A, 921, 197-205 (2001) SCI收录.
3. Yi Zhang, Weiwen Fu, Yuanfang Luo and Jiarui Xu, "Synthesis of Tri-block Copolymer for Melt-processable Molecular Composites", Ed. Yao Zhang, The 13th International Conference for Composite Materials, Section-19, ID-1506, Wanfang Digital Publishers, Beijing, 2001 (CD edition ISBN 7-900075-46-1/Z-Y).
4. J. Xu, C. Yi, X. Wang, H. Zeng, Preparation of GF/PVC composites using aqueous suspension impregnation technique: the interfacial issues, Proc. of Twelfth Intl. Conference on Composite Materials, Ed.Massard, óICCM12/TCA, Paris, 1999K.
5. X. Wang, J. Xu, K. Mai, H. Zeng, Aqueous impregnation process for preparation of short glass fiber reinforced polyphenylene sulfide composites, Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications, 1997, 26(6), 264 EI收录.
6. K. Mai, Z. Mei, J. Xu, H. Zeng, Effect of blending on the multiple melting behavior of polyphenylene sulfide, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1997, 63(8), 1001 SCI,EI收录.
7. X. Wang, J. Xu, B. Xie, H. Zeng, Preparation of short carbon fiber reinforced polyphenylene sulfide composites by impregnation in suspension, Proc. 11th Intl. Conference on Composite Materials, Ed. Scott, Vol. IV, pp.452-458, Gold Coast, Australia, 1997, Adobe System Incorporated. (ISBN 1 85573 349 8) ISTP收录.
8. M. Zhang, J. Xu, Z. Zhang, H. Zeng, X. Xiong, Effect of transcrystallinity on tensile behaviour of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced semicrystalline thermoplastic composites, Polymer, 1996, 37(23), 5151 SCI, EI收录.
9. W. Zhang, L. Jiang, J. Xu, H, Zeng, Side-chain liquid crystalline polymers: The synthesis and characterization of poly【4-nitrothiophenyl-4-(w-methacryloyl oxyalkyloxy)】 benzoate, Polymers for Advanced Technologies., 1996, 7, 1 EI收录.
10. H. Zeng, J. Xu, K. Mai, M. Zhang, Studies on the characteristics of microphase separation and stabilization of interphase for blended systems of high performance polymers, J. Polymer Research, 1995, 2(4), 247.
11. J. Xu, M. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Xiong, H. Zeng, The tensile behaviour and failure of short carbon fiber reinforced PEEK composite with transcrystalline interphase, Proc.Tenth Intl. Conference on Composite Materials, Vol. IV, p101-108, Ed. Poursartip and Street, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, (1995) (ISBN: 1 85573 225 4) ISTP收录.
12. H. Zeng, Z. Zhang, M. Zhang, J. Xu, N. Jian, K. Mai, Young's modulus of the trans-crystallinity in semi-crystalline composite, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1994, 54, 541 SCI, EI收录.
13. C. Yang, J. Xu, H. Zeng, Microstructure of the composite based on polyether sulfone and polyphenylene sulfide hybrid matrix, Proc. 8th Intl. Cont. on Modn. Mat. Tech., 1994, Techna Publishers. ISTP收录.
14. M. Balik, J. Xu, Simultaneous measurement of water diffusion, swelling, and calcium carbonate removal in a latex paint using FTIR-ATR, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1994, 52, 975 SCI, EI收录.
15. J. Xu, X. Zhou, H. Zeng, Phase structure of poly(phenylene sulfide) and liquid crystalline polymer blends, in Adv. Materials '93, II/A: Biomaterials, Organic and Intelligent Materials, Ed. H. Aoki et al., Proc. IUMRS-ICAM-93, 1993, Vol. 15A, p211, Elsevier Sci. Publishers. (ISBN: 0444819924) ISTP收录.
16. Y. Zhong, J. Xu, H. Zeng, Blends of PEEK with a thermotropic liquid crystalline polyester: 1. the morphology, crystallization and melting behavior, Polymer J., 1992, 24, 999 SCI收录.
17. Y. Zhong, J. Xu H. Zeng, Blends of Poly(aryl ether ether ketone) with thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester. 2. Crystallization kinetics, Polymer, 1992, 33, 3893 SCI收录.
18. J. Xu, Z. Zhang, X. Xiong, H. Zeng, A new solvent of poly(ether ether ketone), Polymer, 1992, 33 (20), 4432 SCI收录.
19. J. Xu, W. Xian, H. Zeng, Polyethersulfone induced crystallization with a liquid crystal polymer, Polymer Communications, 1991, 32 (11), 336 SCI, EI收录J.
20. J. Xu, C. M. Balik, Infrared attenuated total reflectance study of latex paint films exposed to aqueoussulfur dioxide, J. Applied Polymer Science, 38, 173 (1989) SCI, EI收录.
21. J. Xu, C. M. Balik, Measurement of diffusivities of small molecules in polymers using FTIR-ATR, Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 42, 1543 (1988) SCI收录.
22. J. Xu, C. M. Balik, Effect of acidic deposition on latex paint films, Polymer Preprints, Vol. 29(2), 383 (1988) SCI收录.
23. J. Xu, A.E. Woodward, Crystallization of randomly epoxidized trans-1,4-polyisoprene, Macromolecules, 21, 2994 (1988) SCI收录.
24. J. Xu, A.E. Woodward, Quantitative investigation of the amorphous and crystalline components in trans-1,4-polyisoprene from solution, Macromolecules, 21, 83 (1988) SCI, EI收录.
25. M. Gavish, A. E. Woodward, J. Xu, 13C NMR and FTIR investigations of reaction at lamellar surfaces of trans-1,4-polyisoprene, Polymer Preprints, Vol. 28(1), 15 (1987) SCI收录.
26. J. Xu, A. E. Woodward, Further morphological studies of trans-1,4-polyisoprene crystallized from solution, Macromolecules, 19, 1114 (1986) SCI收录.
27.刘冶球,祝亚非,许家瑞,新型聚丙烯增韧剂--聚丙烯接枝聚氨酯的合成研究,中山大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.41(2), 49-52 (2002) .
28.易长海,秦少雄,许家瑞,曾汉民,聚合物乳液在制备纤维增强树脂复合材料中的应用, 高分子材料科学与工程,Vol.18(1), 86-89 (2002) .
29. 易长海,谭必恩,许家瑞,曾汉民,水悬浮法制备GF/PVC复合材料的界面形态和形成机理,航空材料学报,Vol.22(1),41-45(2002).
30.刘冶球,许家瑞,聚丙烯-g-聚氨酯共聚物组成对其结晶行为的影响,应用化学,Vol.19(8), 719-722 (2002).
31. 刘冶球,祝亚非,许家瑞,聚丙烯-g-聚氨酯共聚物的非等温结晶动力学研究,高分子学报,No.5,577-581,(2002) .
32. 蔡长庚,许家瑞,环氧基体与竹节状有机纤维之间的界面性能研究,玻璃钢/复合材料,No.3, 22-26, 2002.
33. 李军荣,许家瑞,章明秋,容敏智,填充型聚合物基气敏导电复合材料,材料导报,Vol. 16(11), 48, 2002.
34. Materials Review, Gas sensible conductive polymer composites,(ISSN 1005-023X CN 50-1078/TB),池振国,许家瑞,一类可纺丝的全芳香热致性液晶共聚酯的合成和表征,高分子学报,No. 6, 807-812, 2002.
35. 曾庆冰,许家瑞,符若文,叶巧真,“分离亲水气单胞菌外毒素的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶色谱填料”, 功能高分子学报,Vol.14(2), 195-198, 2001.
36. 王晓,章明秋,许家瑞,“转子转矩流变仪的应用及其国外发展动态”,广东橡胶,No.6, 6-10, 2001.