Nick Carter,尼克,男,出生于1980年,水瓶座,与著名漫画家Stan Lee(创作过“蜘蛛人”这一著名漫画)一起合作完成了漫画the Backstreet Project(后街计划)。
nick carter_Nick Carter -简介
Nick Carter全名: Nickolas Gene Carter
昵称: Nicky, Chaos('coz he's aprankster!), Kaos, Mr.Hyper,Messy Marvin and Frack.
出生地点: Jamestown NY Current , U.S.A
现在住于:(4岁时移居到Florida)Apollo Beach,Florida,near Tampa , U.S.A (Nick非常非常的热爱海洋,所以幸运的是他不会远离那里)
身高: 6 foot 2 inch
头发: 纯金色
家庭成员: 妈妈 Jane, 爸爸 Bob, 妹妹B.J, Leslie 和 双胞胎弟,妹 Aaron and Angel.

nick carter_Nick Carter -爱好
喜欢的车: Camaro, Mercedes Benz,Green Dodge Durango. 他有一辆常开的Plymouth Prowler
最喜欢: 唱歌,玩电动玩具
宠物: 3只猫 Rocky,Sugar和Bandit,还有4条狗pugs Sampson,Simba and pepper Huston
会的乐器: 弹吉他和击鼓
喜欢的国家: 澳大利亚和西班牙
喜欢的歌手和组合: Nirvana,jodeci, Boys II Men andSteve Perryof Journey, Michael Jackson. During concerts, Nick usually sings his favorite Journey songs, like "Open Arms".
喜欢的圣诞歌曲: Frosty the snowman and Santa Clause is coming to town.
喜欢的BSB的歌曲: Shining Star
喜欢的食物: 批萨和麦当劳
喜欢的香水: gravity
喜欢的饮料: Mountain Dew and Coke
喜欢的冰激淋: Mint chocolate chip, chocolate-chip, and cookie dough.
喜欢的电影: Aliens and Braveheart
喜欢的女影星: Sigourney weaver
喜欢的男影星: Jeff Goldbloom
喜欢的电视节目: the X Files, Simpsons,Beavis and Butthead and mad about you
喜欢的书:Living Free
喜欢的衣服: Nike和其他运动服饰
喜欢的运动:篮球, 橄榄球,棒球
在学校喜欢的课程: 科学,体育,英语和历史
爱好: 画画, 并与著名漫画家Stan Lee(创作过“蜘蛛人”这一著名漫画)一起合作完成了漫画the Backstreet Project(后街计划),打篮球,踢足球,收集足球卡片, 划船,钓鱼, 打电子游戏 (really into Nintendo games),划船,钓鱼,开快艇,潜水(有潜水执照), giving his drums a workout, collects beanie babies and comic books
当问起他未完成的愿望时:Nick said I just want to play Basketball thats so cute.
当问起谁鼓励他时:Nick said A.J, Kevin, Brian and Howie these four guys . that is the sweetest thing .
Nick Carter基金 : Nick Carter's Oceans Campaign基金
告诉你: nick非常的喜欢画画,他几乎铅笔不离手;<everybody>的 mtv里的吸血鬼的点子,还有<larger than life>中宇宙大战的场面都是他想出来的呢! 他的父母有他们自己的 disco ,Nick 曾在那里跳过舞, even when he was a baby, in his diapers.当他8岁时,他开始表演. Nick 曾在一些广告中演出.在Johnny Depp(约翰尼 戴普)主演的电影 "Edward Scissorhands"(爱德华剪刀手)中扮演过一个小角色.Nick 说:“It would be going too far to say I was actually in‘`Edward Scissorhands’ because I was so far in the background that you can’t tell it’s me. It would be better to say I was on the set of the film…I was in the scene when Edward looks out of a window to the neighborhood. For a split second he sees some kids playing