英语五行打油诗 英语打油诗



A limerick is a five line verse with the rhyme scheme of aabba.

The a-lines should have five feet, while the b-lines have only three feet.

It is normally, but not always light or humorous.

A Day Challenge

You take up the challenge to write,

then stay up all day and all night.

To think of a verse

can be a real curse.

You want all the words to be right.

Don't worry if your words sound daft.

Remember it's only a draft

and then if you're wise

next month you'll revise

and wonder if others have laughed.

You might have enough for a book.

If you haven't, don't cry or sook.

Sit down and write more

than you did before.

When it's published I'll have a look.

I wish you success with your dreams.

It's easy if we work in teams

so all in due course

lets give it more sauce.

It isn't as tough as it seems.

Kitchen Capers

There’s capers afoot in the kitchen.

The cat is quite drunk and it’s twitchin’,

It drank two pints of ale,

Then lapped up a cocktail,

Danced a jig then said, “It’s bewitchin’.”


Two towers crashed down from the sky

Causing innocent people to die

Terror and war

What is it for?

I never will understand why

A Limerick for Paul

A middle aged man called Paul

Said 'No' when his angel did call

英语五行打油诗 英语打油诗

Please go away

I want to stay

I'm living and having a ball

I know that I'll meet you one day

But for now just please go away

I'm writing a book

If you want you can look

Just go and let me have my say

I'm good you can check with my wife

But sometimews I find I'm in strife

Don't pinch my car

Or you won't get far

And I'll make you pay with your life

I don't want to meet the Grim Reaper

But he seems to think he's my keeper

Now's not my time

I'm busy with rhyme

He'll just have to dig that grave deeper


There once was a girl called Christine

She smoked far too much nicotine

She coughed and she spluttered

The Doc came and muttered

She has to go in quarantine


There once was a girl called Monique

She had such a perfect physique

Her bust is so round

But mine can't be found

Beside her I feel quite a freak

Bertie and Gertie

A couple called Bertie and Gertie

Said life will begin when you're thirty

You lose inhibition

Try any position

Enjoy getting flirty and dirty


Don't read your teenagers diary

Life at home could become fiery

It's an easier task

More respectful to ask

Just make a discreet enquiry


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103560103/136269.html


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