kgl国际电工 KGL

KGL Transport (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

Based on the experience and know-how gained from handling Samsung Electronics’ importing and exporting logistics for over 15 years, KCTC International Ltd. has been realizing the customer satisfaction-oriented customized service through the real time cargo tracking and event management in the aspect of Global SCM.

Especially, KCTC International Ltd. has provided the differentiated and distinguished total logistics service from large global logistics companies through actualizing the shipper’s cost reduction, lead-time reduction, and accident-free transportation by introducing 6SIGMA to the logistics.

Ocean service

Container/LCLconsolidation service

Break bulk service

Door to Door service

Sea & Air service

TSR/TCR/TMR and trans-shipment service

Logistics consulting

Accidents and compensation

Air service

Real-time Logistics Information Service

Door to Door Service

Bonded Warehouse Operation

Chartered Airplane Service

Logistics Consulting

Accidents and Compensation

Triangular trade service

Commercial invoice and packing list service to address

ever changingmultilateral

imports & exports business environment, B/L Switch

import-export customs clearance

products custody, re-packing, release, bond

transportation and T/S service



kgl国际电工 KGL

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