经济日报报业集团_经济日报报业集团 -简介
经济日报报业集团_经济日报报业集团 -TheEconomicDaily 英文简介
The Economic Daily was established in Beijing on January 1,1983and administratively managed by the Ministry of Communicationofthe Party's Central Committee. It is a nationwide andcomprehensivenewspaper of the Party Central Committee and the StateCouncil toguide national economy. Deng Xiaoping personallyinscribed“Economic Daily” for the newspaper in 1984. Economic Dailyis animportant governmental channel to issue economic policies,adominant media c for economic cooperation and the No. 1businessnewspaper in China.
The Economic Daily Press Group was established in June, 1998.Thegroup owns 10 newspapers (Economic Daily, China RuralNews,Securities Daily, Spotlight Times, China Flower andGardeningDaily, China Building Materials Daily, China ChemicalIndustryNews, China Textile News, Fashion Times and China FashionWeekly)and six magazines (China Painting and Calligraphy,ChinaEntrepreneurs, Economics, China Economic Information,ChinaPetroChem and New Design). The group has a publishing house(ChinaBuilding Materials Press). Beijing Economy ManagementCollege,China Economic Press Advertising Agency and China EconomicNet(CE.cn) are also managed under the Group.
In 2004, the circulation of the inclusive newspapers andmagazinesunder the group is 1.28 million. By Decr of 2003, thePublishingHouse of the Economic Daily has published 1500 kindsbooks with acirculation of 15 million while China BuildingMaterials Press haspublished 1423 kinds of books with acirculation of 5.692million.
The group has 58 news offices and 27 printing points allaroundChina. Its correspondents are based in over 20 countriesandregions. Good connections are kept between the newspaper andoverinternational news and business organizations.
Launched on July 28, 2003, the Economic Net (www.ce.cn) istheonly national comprehensive website specialized on economicnews.The site is consisted of over 20 channels related to news,macroeconomy and finance etc. nformation on motor industry,realestates, home appliance, tele-communication, medicine andfashioncan be found. The site also has a 15GB classified database,whichis launched in traditional Chinese, English and German.
经济日报报业集团_经济日报报业集团 -下属报刊信息
报刊名称 刊号 刊期 地址
经济日报 CN11-0014 周七
中国建材报 CN11-0073 周七 北京海淀区三里河路11号
服装时报 CN11-0236
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