雅思口语part2 范文 雅思口语Part1难点解析

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难题一:Time management

Time management(时间安排及管理)系列问题由于较为抽象,一直是中国考生在雅思part1问题中比较害怕被问到的领域。


1. Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?


Generally speaking, young people and older people both use the schedule and list to organize their time. In the past, people used to write down the plan in a schedule book, comparing with the modern society, where people prefer to keep list on electronic devices, such as cell-phone or pc.

2. Would you say you manage your time well?


Theoretically, I manage my time well. I adore making plans, to the extent that almost drives my best friend crazy. I like keeping accounts too, which can make clear how I spend my money. However, I am easily influenced by my mood. I think that’s the only reason that hinders me from following my schedule.

3. Where did you learn how to organize your time?

雅思口语part2 范文 雅思口语Part1难点解析


To some extent, I was affected by my mother, who is a manager of archives in her company. Because her work requires the ability to be logical and organized, this good habit was carried on to me.

4. Do you think it’s useful to plan your time?

范例解析:在类似的答题偏向较明显的一般疑问句中,建议考生们加上如“absolutely”, “totally”等较为明显的表示自己观点的修饰词汇。

Absolutely yes. Actually, planning my time is my conventional habit in my life. Only with the plan, can I keep my daily life logical and organized. Without planning, I would probably miss something important such as my friend’s wedding ceremony, or the deadline of my thesis. Everything would be in a mess, I think.

5. If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?


If I have extra time, I am eager to learn to play the guitar. Frankly, I have learned to play a bunch of instruments already, but they have no enough portability. Guitar would be a better choice to be carried with. Because of the lack of time, I can’t play the instruments I learned well. So I want to spend my extra time on playing the guitar and singing along with it.




1. Do you keep your old photos?


Yeah, I keep most of them. Before I had my digital camera, I kept photos in paper form, which was probably easy to turn old and a bit space-consuming. And since I had my digital camera, I have been keeping all the photos in my computer.

2. Do you often see those old photos?


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雅思辅导资料想要了解更多关于11月雅思口语机经预测,请看无忧考网为考生整理的新东方李笑颜:2012年11月24日雅思听力重点预测,仅供参考!第三部分:雅思听力(新东方在线名师:李笑颜)  1.搭配题应该是11月份考试的重点  解题技巧:同意

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