面试时常用英文表达 研究生面试时常用的英文自我介绍

Hello, I am from × × × University, Master of the optical profession fresh graduates, he studied under × × × × × × University professor of optical professionals. I would like to apply for the job is your school's physics teacher. I believe in the × × × × × University, the training school training, I have the ability to accept any challenge. Since entering university, I have been attention to their own ability and quality of comprehensive training, learning new knowledge and actively participated in various social activities Duanlian own practice . Undergraduate and graduate students in seven years, the persistent efforts, in learning, work and achieved certain results, various aspects of capacity has been greatly improved.

During the course I am serious, solid foundation for learning and mastery of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of the physics of the relevant theoretical knowledge, familiar with Windows XP operating system and Office software, to master Word, Powerpoint, Excel, C + +, etc. familiar with Photoshop and some commonly used software. At the same time, my spare time to read materials on a large number of books extensively, not only to enrich himself, and his various skills training. More importantly, the rigorous study and correct learning attitudes shaped me simple, stable, innovative character.

Post-graduate education center ** I have to teach a physics teaching in high, this is a formal counseling schools in which I benefited a lot this year, with the quality of a teacher should have a certain student teaching experience and management ability, and I believe will work in my future teachers play an active role, has made me more confident that competent teachers in this post.

Graduate programs, I am still trying to learn the basics of discipline, on the subject of active research and practice, learn and master the knowledge of signal processing, laser radar systems theory, and the application of wavelet toolbox and wavelet signal processing procedures such as technology, and is expected to In the laser radar signal processing theory and experimental study of a breakthrough. Laboratory conditions using active experimental research, experiment and theory, and further strengthen and improve ourselves.

× × University Graduate Student union was the information gathering and editing team, team leaders, to participate in graduate student congress, games and other publicity, organization and information collection work to improve my organization and innovation. Also participated in the × × × University College of Physical Science and Technology, the optical part of fundamental physics experiment teaching, I'm very sincere, extensive communication, has a good ability to cooperate.



面试时常用英文表达 研究生面试时常用的英文自我介绍


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103520103/124133.html


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       你很有料,但是木讷的个性让你在面试时老是吃瘪吗?事前充分思考与准备,真诚以对,一定能让你脱颖而出……   许多年轻人其实有能力、做事踏实,却不善于表达自己的想法,以致于面试时,总是难以博得主考官的青睐。与其恶补自己

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