一鸣惊人成语接龙 2013中考英语阅读素材 成语故事“一鸣惊人”

一鸣惊人成语接龙 2013中考英语阅读素材 成语故事“一鸣惊人”


Stunning the World with a Single Cry


A sudden rise from obscurity to prominence.





In the Spring and Autumn Period, King Zhuang came to the throne of the State of Chu. For the first three years of his reign, he devoted himself entirely to hunting during the daytime and feasting at night. Well knowing that his ministers frowned on such prodigal conduct, he decreed execution for anyone who dared to admonish him.

Although no one dared to criticize the king to his face, a certain wily minister, Wu Ju by name, managed to get King Zhuang to change his ways by purporting to entertain him with a riddle, as follows: "Your Majesty, here m our State of Chu there lives a big bird renowned for its gorgeous plumage . However, for three years it has never soared aloft nor uttered its majestic cry. What kind of bird is it?"




King Zhuang replied, "It is no ordinary creature. A bird of that kind does not casually take wing, but once it does, it will make straight for the very summits of the heavens. Nor does it sing on just any occasion, but when it does, it will stun the world with a single cry. Begone! The meaning of your riddle is perfectly plain to me. "


From that day on, King zhuang dedicated himself to the governance of his realm. Before long the State of Chu waxed strong, and King Zhuang who "stunned the world with a single cry" became one of the five powerful rulers of the Spring and Autumn Period.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103510103/122657.html


新年祝福成语接龙 帅气成语接龙

新年祝福成语接龙》1. 祝福夫妻,妻荣夫贵,桂馥兰香,相敬如宾,彬彬有礼,礼尚往来,来日方长,长长久久,久盛不衰。2. 愿你美丽,丽质天生,生财有道,道高益安,安分知足,足食丰衣,衣冠礼乐,乐成人美,美丽动人,人定胜天,天生尤物。3. 祝福朋友:今非昔比,比翼双

成语接龙之周而复始 接龙法第一部分 成语接龙游戏


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成语接龙—一鸣惊人 一鸣惊人成语接龙5个


《成语接龙》 《成语接龙》-图书信息,《成语接龙》-内容简介

《成语接龙》,作者是 崔钟雷 ,由哈尔滨出版社于2010年1月1日出版。描述的是中国是一个有着深厚文化底蕴的国度,成语根植于五千年文明的沃土,是祖国语言宝库中最璀璨的明珠,华古老的文化和浩如烟海的典籍中,留下了数以万计的成语,这些精辟的

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