
Sample PS_ MPH
Personal Statement
Academic Program: Epidemiology M.P.H.
“Get out of here and never come back!” Forcefully pushed out of the pub, Isatdown against a nearby wall to scrub the dust off my shoes and regain my composure. My pride was wounded, not because of the way they treated me, but because they did not believe what I told them. It was the second time I had been forced out of this particular pub, a place for gay gathering. This is part of my research project “Health education model of preventing HIV/AIDS based on employer-employee relationships”, which I was working on. I believed that in order to effectively prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, employers, who are on the top of business pyramid, should be first in line to know the disease well, because they can leverage the sufficient resources necessary to exert great influence on the disease prevention within their enterprises. This approach fits the circumstances in China particularly well.
In face of this frustration, I didn’t give up trying. Before the start of the project, the local center for disease control and prevention had already counted the fifth reported case of AIDS virus infection, who later acknowledged that he had once provided sex service in that club or dated his homosexual partner. The devastating consequences if no intervention would be taken obliged me to try other means. Working as a team, three friends joined my endeavor and we handed out brochures outside the pub that introduced HIV/AIDS preventive measures with the elaborately-designed slogan “We understand you by showing our care to you!” Eventually, our persistence had been well paid off. Our respect of their personal choice melted the toughness of the owner of the club and he agreed to give a hand in sending the information to his employees and clients.
点评1:前两段基本上都在讲自己为了宣传防艾滋遇到的困难,没有涉及到太深的专业领域,不是十分单刀直入,语句不是十分非常简练。但是,传达了具体MPH 专业方向,这一点值得赞扬。很多申请者因为研究经历太多样化而不能确定明确的方向。而,这篇PS一开始就确定了目标,这一点非常好。