* 投诉信
o 内容要点:
+ 所要投诉或抱怨的事情是什么
+ 将时间,地点及事情的经过及问题所在说清楚
+ 你对解决问题的建议
+ 告知你的联系方法,如电话,传真,通讯地址等
o 注意事项:
+ 言语要平和,不要用太过激的词语
+ 对解决问题的建议要合理
+ 一封信只写一件事
+ 事情的来龙去脉要写清楚
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing you to complain about stereo, which I bought in January. After only two days things started to go wrong. The first problem was the CD drawer, which opened and closed too quickly. I nearly trapped my fingers in it. The next day I recorded a Don to a cassette. Everything worked, but the sound quality was every poor. On the following day, the CD Pause button stopped working.
Naturally, I returned the stereo to you for repair. Your assistant said I would have to wait only a week. After two weeks, the necessary spare parts had still not arrived. Eventually, nine weeks later, I collected the stereo. The CD player worked properly, but there was no improvement in the recording quality.
I am notsatisfied with the equipment nor with the service I have received. I am therefore writing to ask for a full refund. I will return the stereo to your shop on Monday and I expect to receive a cheque for $250.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my room-mate. As you know we share one room, I can not study in the room at all any more if I still stay there.
She always has friend visiting and has parties in the room. They make lots of noise and switch on the radio very loudly, for me this environment is very difficult to study and I need a quiet room. Even borrows my things without asking, it is very impolite.
I request you can give me a new room next term because I have been asked her has parties in other place many times they still have parties in the room. I really can not stay in the same room with her.
I would be grateful if you could change me a single room.
Your sincerely,
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction with my roommate and request for another accommodation next term.
My main problem is that I can not study in my room because my roommate always has friends visiting. He also has parties, which usually ends early in the morning, several times a week. Furthermore he often borrows my things without asking me.
I cannot accept this situation any later, especially because I have very important exam next term and I really must study hard. This is why I would be very grateful if I could have another room next term. It would be most convenient for me not having to share my room with somebody else.
I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,

* I am writing with regard/reference to/in connection with…
* I am writing to express my concern/dissatisfaction about…
* I would like to draw your attention to…
* I am writing to you to complain about the service:
* I am writing to you with reference to the above trip, which you organized.
* I have received your invoice No 1234-BA for $3456 but noticed that a number of errors have been made.
* Unfortunately, the reality was very different.
* I regret to inform you that:
* We regret to inform you that we were no at all satisfied with your service.
* You can imagine my disappointment when I discovered:
* You can imagine our feelings when we realized that this would mean:
* I can suppose that the your partner in Santo Paulo…
* I have tried to contact you by phone but could get anyone who knew anything about this matter.
* We enclose a report on the damage form:
* I contacted your account representative in Bank, but unfortunately without any success.
* We must insist on receiving our prior payment:
* I should therefore like to have my money refunded.
* Therefore I look forward to hearing your comments.
* We would be interested to know if you can offer an explanation for this poor quality of your service.
* We will keep the goods until:
* Unless you can fulfill our orders efficiently in the future, we will have to consider other sources of supply.
* I look forward to hearing from you.
annoy apologize complain defect
disappoint dissatisfy embarrass inconvenience
inform…of… refund resolve rude unreasonable