收入证明英文怎么说 收入证明英文


收入证明 英文Income Declaration

收入证明英文怎么说 收入证明英文

This is to certify that our company staff, XXX who hails from Huailai county, Hebei Province, I/C no. xx-xxx-xxx-x, has been working in the staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau in Hefei City for___years since 19xx. At present, he is the principal physician in the department of stomatology of our hospital.

XXX’s recent 5 years’ income are as follows:

Year Monthly Salary Annual Salary

Contact Person

Signature(文章阅读网:www.www.AihuAu.com.net )



Address: staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau

Zhangwa road, Hefei City, Anhui Province.

Income Certificate

# # Phosphate Fertilizer Factory,founded in Noverber,1998 with registered capital CNY 2,300,000, is a individual enterprise. The factory mainly produces phosphate fertilizer and pig iron, and contributes near CNY1,000,00 taxation to the state every year.

Mr. # # is the owner as well as the director of the factor. His after tax income in recent three years are specialized as follows:

Monthly salary CNY 6,000, Year-end bonus CNY 120,000, Yearly total income CNY 192,000.

# # Phosphate Fertilizer Factory

10 June 2005


# # 磷肥厂成立于1998年11月,为个人独资企业。企业注册资金贰佰叁拾万元,主要生产和销售磷肥和生铁,每年上缴国家利税近百万元。

兹证明# #先生,为工厂所有者,并担任厂长,近三年得税后收入情况如下:


# #磷肥厂

二零零五年六月十日Income Certificate

# # Phosphate Fertilizer Factory,founded in Noverber,1998 with registered capital CNY 2,300,000, is a individual enterprise. The factory mainly produces phosphate fertilizer and pig iron, and contributes near CNY1,000,00 taxation to the state every year.

Mr. # # is the owner as well as the director of the factor. His after tax income in recent three years are specialized as follows:

Monthly salary CNY 6,000, Year-end bonus CNY 120,000, Yearly total income CNY 192,000.

# # Phosphate Fertilizer Factory

10 June 2005


# # 磷肥厂成立于1998年11月,为个人独资企业。企业注册资金贰佰叁拾万元,主要生产和销售磷肥和生铁,每年上缴国家利税近百万元。

兹证明# #先生,为工厂所有者,并担任厂长,近三年得税后收入情况如下:


# #磷肥厂



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103470103/108437.html


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