踏着圣诞宁静的钟声,我们又迎来了一个祥和的平安夜 让我们把祝福珍藏在心中, 感受圣诞给我们带来的这非同凡响的一刻。
因为相聚,让我们分享这快乐的时光。 因为圣诞的来临让我们承载无尽的祝福。因为温馨的今天让我们的笑容洋溢。愿圣诞老人把我们今晚许下的所有心愿 一一实现。
我们将怀念和祝福,浓缩在芬郁的卡片中,在此安谧的节日,默默送给你. 平安夜,报平安,如果祥和的旋律从你的梦中流过,那么你是否想到,是圣诞老人跨越山千万水重来入梦 白色的雪,绿色的树,衬着红杉皓须的慈爱老人,驾着辘辘车报送平安,带给所有的人们!
在久久的仰视中,有一片暖意,也静穆如钟地在心头升起. 指缝间滑过光阴,第一串钟声雾散冬晨,思念的情怀恍如潮涨,淹没了心的平静。圣诞节踮着脚尖,轻快地走来,请迎着她轻轻地,轻轻地说出你心中的期待 美好的日子,愿圣诞之光普照我们的每一天。
Merry Christmas! 我们的心像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋。 新年的心飞了冬的身段也婀娜了。 圣诞拉近了我们的距离。 圣诞染红了我们快乐的生活。 圣诞让我们截取下了四季的片段。圣诞给了我们人生的梦想 。
今天,我们欢聚一堂、载歌载舞。 今天,我们满怀激-情、心潮澎湃。今天,我们送去我们的祝福; 带着祝愿、带着嘱托,埋藏已久的期盼,化做今日的喜悦。 听,夜空中渐渐传来了圣诞老人驾着鹿车而来的清脆铃声,白色的圣诞节 ――属于我们童话般的节日如愿而至!
今天的晚会就要跟大家说再见了我们永远也不会忘怀今日的绚丽多彩老师们、同学们,让我们 :
捧心西子 | 2012-11-29 13:13
(开始)1A:Hello! Thank you all for giving me the chance to host tonight's Party. First off, I wish you all good luck this 2010,and everlasting joy. Tonight, we have lots to do. Please give a warm welcome to (person's name here) Performing (performance title here节目名称)! (performance ends) Wow! what a grear performance! Next up is (person's name here). She/He wil perform (perfomace title here). (performace ends) Thanks (person's name here) for the lovly performace!(依此类推)
(结束)1A:My,What the time flies! It's almost time to end our show! Thank you for coming this wonderful evening! I wish you all merry christmas,and a happy new year!
时间很快过去了,我们的节目马上要结束了。谢谢大家在今天的夜晚里来到这里!我再次祝你们Merry christmas,and a happy new year!
Christmas speech "When Jesus Christ was born from Virgin Mary, from that time on He lived an exemplary life, a life which men everywhere must emulate. This Life and the Faith that He taught us assures us of salvation, assures us also of harmony and a good life upon Earth. Because of the exemplary character of the life of Jesus Christ it is necessary that all men do their maximum in their human efforts to see to it that they approximate as much as they can the good example that has been set by Him. It is quite true that there is no perfection in humanity. From time to time we make mistakes, we do commit sins but even as we do that, deep in our hearts as Christians we know we have forgivenefrom the Almighty. He taught us that all who seek Him shall find Him. To live in this healthy life, a Christian life, is what makes me follow Jesus Christ. For Christian people no day is as glorious and as joyous as the day on which they commemorate the Nativity of Our Saviour Jesus Cwww.oh100.com/hrist. On this day each one of us tries to forget his worries and his anxieties and endeavours to alleviate those of his loved ones and friends, and to forgive those who have wronged him, so as only to meditate on the life of Him who is Supreme Lord of All. From Our early childhood We are struck by the sentiments of unfathomable mystery, si-mp-le and yet sublime, which stirs up in us the evocation of the Birth of the Divine Child. The Mystery of Bethlehem reveals itself in our spirits, more fascinating the more we advance on the path of life, and the more we realise the magnitude of the mission each one of us has to accomplish in this world, be it humble or noble, arduous or thankless. An unheard of event, expected for more than forty centuries has at last been accomplished: the Son of God is born, He has only a stable for His palace and a manger for a cradle. The hearts of the wise are thrilled by this majestic humility, and the kings of the Earth bend their knees before Him and worship Him. 'Peace on Earth, goodwill to men,' - this was His first message. In the same manner when He went to the summit of Calvary, there to expiate our sins with the supreme sacrifice, He gave up His last breath invoking forgivenefor His very tormentors: 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.' In pondering over the life, the goodness, humanity and sacrifice of the Saviour of the World, in looking at the laws which He gave us, how much should we be ashamed to call ourselves Christian people, and yet not to follow His footsteps. Had we been Christian people, had we been worthy of the name, peace would have reigned on all the face of the Earth, and we would have risen to the level of the immortal angels who always glorify the Eternal God, and the peoples of the world would no longer have remained divided into hostile camps.