《最后一个人》是由boris sagal导演,查尔登・海斯顿主演的一部美国科幻电影。
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -剧情
《最后一个人》讲述了生化战争之后,世界上存活了几百个“人”,可是他们已经变异,害怕阳光,嗜杀人,他们组成一个族群。影片的主人公Robert Neville是生化武器荼毒世界之后的“生还者”之一,然而Neville的任务就《最后一个人》是必须使用各种手段消灭他们。于是就发生了一系列精彩,震撼,扣人心玄的生化战斗!
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -主演介绍
1924年出生在伊利诺斯的查尔顿・赫斯顿,是美国影坛一位素以扮演英雄人物见长的影星。主演了1952年影片《戏中之王》(The Greatest Show on Earth)后他的电影事业开始起飞,1959年的《宾虚传》(Ben-Hur)标志着他巅峰时刻的到来。尽管在影片中经常会扮演一些伟大人物,但他更愿意谈论电影事业中的日常琐事,尤其是编剧、导演等幕后工作人员对他成功的帮助。进入晚年后,赫赫斯开始对右翼政治问题产生浓厚兴趣,甚至大过对表演的兴趣。
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -上映日期
美国1971年08月01日 1971
芬兰1971年12月03日 1971
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -幕后花絮
[1] British studio Hammer had planned production of Matheson's ownscriptedversion of "I am Legend"entitle
《最后一个人》d "The Night Creatures". However, after being deemed too graphic by censors, the script was rejected and the project lingered, eventually dying.
[2] The production company wanted a set that looked like an abandoned metropolitan area, but it was too costly to build. The producer drove through downtown L.A. one weekend and discovered there were no shoppers, so the majority of the film's exterior was shot on location during the weekends.
[3] This is a remake of _L'Ultimo uomo della Terra (1964)_ (The Last Man in Earth), which starred Vincent Price. Both films are based on Richard Matheson's novel, "I am Legend," and has a writing credit for both films.
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -精彩对白
[1] [The last man on earth, talking to a bust of Caesar positioned in front of achessboard]
Neville : Hi. Another day, another dollar.
[2] [later]
[3] Neville : For you, I think it's your move.
[4] [makes drink]
[5] Neville : Join me? Hm? Miserableschmuck!
[6] [to his own image on the video screen]
[7] Neville : : Isn't he? Isn't he a sullen b...
[8] [stops when he hears the "Family" outside]
[9] Neville : [to the "Family"] SHUT UP! Why the hell can't you leave me alone?
[10] [later, to the bust of Caesar]
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -主演其他作品
《十诫 》(1956_美)》(1956)
《The Private War of M》(1955)
《Hawaiians The》(1970)
《The Presidents Lady》(1953)
《Ruby Gentry》(1952)
《The Five Cities of J》(1963)
《Pigeon That Took Rom》(1962)

最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -相关词条
查尔顿・赫斯顿惊悚右翼Anthony Zerbe科幻美国生化Paul Koslo剧情伊利诺斯变异Eric Laneuville
最后一个人_《最后一个人》 -参考资料
[1] 搜视 http://www.mov6.com/title/tt0067525/quotes
[2] 百度 http://image.baidu.com/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&pv=&word=%A1%B6%D7%EE%BA%F3%D2%BB%B8%F6%C8%CB%A1%B7&z=0
[3] 电驴 http://www.verycd.com/topics/2723722/