The Corrs吉他、鼓与人声完美的融合在一起,The Corrs让全球乐坛体验到摇滚乐无比的亲合力,同时也唱出摇滚乐的遨游快感,更重要的是,他们绽放了爱尔兰流行音乐的生命力 。
the corrs_The Corrs -乐队简介
把爱尔兰传统民谣的活力与当代流行摇滚的魅力,藉由小提琴、锡笛、吉他、鼓与人声完美的融合在一起,The Corrs让全球乐坛体验到摇滚乐无比的亲合力,同时也唱出摇滚乐的遨游快感,更重要的是,他们绽放了爱尔兰流行音乐的生命力。
The Corrs萌芽于90年初,当时,Andrea、Sharon、Caroline与Jim才刚在亚伦派克执导的电影《追梦者》中露脸,就决定征战都柏林的各大音乐场子,95年,为了争取一纸唱片合约,远渡重洋,一脚踏进葛莱美奖制作人David Foster的录音室要求试唱机会,听完试唱后,Foster不但签下The Corrs,更同意担任专辑制作,首张专辑《Forgiven Not Forgotten》于96年发表后,就分别在英国、爱尔兰、加拿大、澳洲、纽西兰、西班牙等国获得超白金唱片的销售认证。97年底,第2张专辑《Talk On Corner》上阵,专辑夺下英国金榜冠军宝座,同时成就了98年全英年度最畅销专辑总排名的冠军,连带将处女作带回排行亚军位置,重现如Beatles在60年代同时有专辑雄霸冠、亚军的盛世,专辑里的So Young、What Can I Say、Runaway等3首单曲纷纷入主英国金榜TOP 10,The Corrs瞬间被冠上爱尔兰流行摇滚的亲善大使的头衔,乐团还获得与男高音巨星帕华洛帝同台合唱的机会,滚石合唱团也邀请乐团担任演唱会开场艺人,此张作品累计在全球22个国家都获得白金或超白金的销售认证,99年的全英音乐奖颁奖典礼上,The Corrs获得最佳国际乐团大奖。2000年夏季推出的专辑《In Blue》硬是抢下英、德等18国排行冠军,单曲Breathless在发行首周就空降英国金榜冠军,同年8月首度访华引爆超强亲和力,2001年,Breathless入围角逐葛莱美奖最佳流行重唱乐团,同年并获邀为电影《美国甜心》献唱主题曲All The Love In The World。
从96年走红乐坛到2001年底,整整六年的岁月,The Corrs不是在录音室创作录制,就是在某个城市作巡回演唱,直到2002年,大伙才有喘口气、歇歇脚的机会,回归正常的家庭生活,Caroline也在此时享受了初为人母的喜悦,2002年下半年起,乐团开始在都柏林与洛城的录音室展开最新大碟《Borrowed Heaven》的录制,此番掌舵的制作人是在《In Blue》专辑中担任制作大将Robert Mutt Lange(Shania Twain的制作人老公)左右手的Olle Romo。开场的首支单曲Summer Shine,在流畅动人的摇滚节拍里,弦乐与琴键声轻巧串连,闪耀着夏日艳阳的无限光采;乐团追悼过世母亲的Angel流泻爱尔兰传统乐音的浓烈情感;抚慰好友的心情小品Hideaway展现了乐团多层次的合声美感;Sharon谱写的Long Night浮现恋曲终了的孤单情伤,提琴与弦乐的交融十分动容;新专辑中唯一非团员创作曲则是来自Bono与《以父之名》主题曲创作班底携手为电影《前进天堂》所谱写的主题曲Time Enough For Tears,这首揉合钢琴蓝调与摇篮曲感觉的佳作,Andrea的诠释用情之深,足以让乐迷听到泪流;标题曲Borrowed Heaven力邀南非最具自然生命力的乐团Ladysmith Black Mambazo来次跨越族群的音乐礼赞;摇滚乐/弦乐/爱尔兰民谣奇妙结合的Baby Be Brave则是一首鼓励世人坚信自我潜能的励志好歌;终曲Silver Strand是乐团在录制首张专辑时就已完成的作品,传统爱尔兰的民族之音,展现乐团在缔造全球3000万张销售后,一份不忘本的情怀。
The Corrs生长在爱尔兰东部海岸一个叫Dundalk的小镇(距都柏林只有50英里),Andrea对此描述过“那是一个人人都互相认识的小地方。”“我们就是在音乐的包围中成长起来的,”Jim告诉我们,“我们的父母Jean和Gerry就曾经在一起搞过乐队,妈妈是主唱,而父亲则是个键盘手。从Karen Carpenter、The Eagles到经典名曲甚至宗教音乐,他们都玩,丝毫不限制自己的风格。在这个音乐之家里,我们自然而然地就找到了将来的路。”
最小的Corr就属Andrea了,就连上帝也对她倍加关照,赐与了她美丽的外表以及一副甜美的嗓音。之后,在Dun Lughaidh女子修道院中的唱诗班中学习,更为她建立了信心,人也变得更加成熟。
音乐已经完全支配了他们的生活。Jim作为一名吉他手,同时也作为钢琴手,经常在一些Dublin的乐队中客串。Sharon则管理一家唱片商店,同时也和Jim一起在婶婶的酒巴演奏一些传统的音乐。Caroline和Andrea仍然去Dun Lughaidh女子修道院学习,但是当她们一有空闲的时候还是会聚集到Jim的房子里排练。
Jim开始梦到他们的家庭摇滚乐走向成功了,问题是如何迈出第一步,这个答案终于在1990年的7月14日揭晓了。那一天,他们应邀为Alan Parker的电影“承诺”做试音,这部影片是根据Roddy Doyle的同名小说改编的,故事讲述的是几名穷困潦倒的失业工人在一起玩黑人音乐,并最终获得成功的事。这部电影与The Corrs的经历非常象,所不同的是前者在影片中并没有征服全世界的听众。
the corrs_The Corrs -发展历程
The Corrs兄妹们通过了试音,并且在影片中获得了小角色。“那是我们第一次在真正在舞台上演出,”Jim说道,“我总是希望我们兄妹能在一起致力于一件事情,是'承诺'做到了,这部电影让我们全部围着它转。”Sharon、Jim和Caroline虽然在戏中扮演的是很小的角色,但他们在角色中都在努力寻找自己;而Andrea的戏份则稍微重一些,有一个镜头是她在正在一边梳头一边说出一连串脏话,为此哥哥和两个姐姐至今谈起来还常常大笑不已。不过更为重要的是,在这次拍摄中,他们遇到了他们未来的经纪人――John Hughes。
有了Hugues的掌舵,The Corrs真地开始成为一支受欢迎的流行乐队。他们仍然坚持到Jim那里去排练,Jim在他的房子里搭建了一间临时的录音棚,为了取得好一点的音响效果,他居然想到找来很多装鸡蛋的纸箱和水果盒子堆在墙壁四周。
The Corrs们完成了学校功课之后,在Hugues的鼓励与帮助下,经常在都柏林和Dundalk附近进行一些小型的乐队演出,很快他们有了一批本地的忠实听众。但是现在仍然有个职位空缺――鼓手,Caroline为了保证The Corrs是个名副其实的家庭组合,于是开始去朋友那里学习打鼓。
The Corrs第一次正式的演出是在1993年都柏林的Whealans音乐酒巴里,那一次也是Caroline第一回作为鼓手演出。非常幸运,Jean Kennedy――一位美国驻爱尔兰的大使也在观众席里,演出结束后,他邀请他们在1994年到波士顿参加一个为庆祝世界杯而举行的音乐会。由于观众的反应热烈,乐队决定这次访美国除了去波士顿外还外加一次纽约之旅。
The Corrs刚刚参加完Big Apple的演出后,Hughes给他们带来了一个消息:第十四届格莱美奖获得者David Foster正在Hit Factory工作室为Michkael Jackson制作最后一张专辑。“演出结束后我们都累得要死,只想到外面去买支冰激凌吃,但是John (Hughes)一定坚持要我们去Hit Factory门口见一见David (Foster)”,Andrea笑着说,“不管怎么样,我们还是去了。”
那是六月份非常炎热的一天,Corrs们还穿着全身黑色的演出服装,带着自己的乐器,来到了那间工作室外。在遇到那些Michael Jackson的私人保镖时说,“我们想在这里见见David Foster。”
TheCorrs们演奏了一首“Love To Love You”的小样,仅仅用了一把口琴、一把小提琴、一把吉他和一架钢琴。这是David Foster第一次听到传统的爱尔兰音乐,同时又在其中又巧妙地融入了流行的旋律与摇滚的节奏,这引起了他极大的兴趣。一曲完毕,David激动地说,“十分,我给你们十分,不,十加。”
这次的会面结束后,David也成为了他们的音乐总监。接下来的日子里,The Corrs与大西洋唱片公司签约并开始录制唱片。几个月以后,他们的首张专辑“Forgiven Not Forgotten”发行了(1995年10月发行/ The Corrs总共花了六个月的时间在Malibu录制)
the corrs_The Corrs -相关专辑及歌词介绍
She lived like she knew nothing lasts
Didn't care to look like anyone else
And she was beautiful, so beautiful
I still hear her laugh like she's here
Shower it down on all the young
It isn't so wrong to have such fun
Forever angel
I hope they love you like we do
Forever angel
I'll be proud to be like you
Be like you
(I'll be proud to be like you)
Does the sunshine up at you when you are looking down?
Do you get along with the others around?
It's got to be better than before
You don't need to worry now you're gone
Forever angel
I hope they love you like we do
Forever angel
I'll be proud to be like you
Be like you
Just like you
And when iGo To Sleepat night
I'll thank you for each blessed thing sorrounding me
For every fall I'll ever break
Each moment`s breath I wanna taste
confidence and conscience
Never ending providence
For loving when I had teh chance
Forever angel
I hope they love you like we do
Forever angel
I'll be proud to be like you
Forever angel
I'll be proud to be like you
Forever angel
I'll be proud to be like you
All in a day, she saw the face in the mirror lie
To her dismay, she saw the child that was in her die
And she cried... overnight
'Cos what she sees... she doesn't like
I'm twisting (twisting..., twisting...)
I'm turning (turning..., turning...)
I'm aching (aching..., aching...)
And it's burning
In one day..., in one day

Just let me float, just let me drift on by (just let me drift on by...)
No more, no pain
I don't have tears to cry (tears to cry...)
I'm twisting (twisting..., twisting...)
I'm turning (turning..., turning...)
I'm aching (aching..., aching...)
And it's burning
In one day
In one day
In one day
I'm twisting, I'm turning
In one day...
In one day (in one day...)
In one day
In one day (in one day...)
When the daylight's gone and you're on your own
And you need a friend just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I'll pull you through, I will understand
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side
If life's standing still and your soul's confused
And you cannot find what road to choose
If you make mistakes (make mistakes)
You can't let me down (let me down)
I will still believe (still believe)
I will turn around
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side
You know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm right there
I'll be at your side, I'll be right there for you
(Together we'll survive) through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm at your side
I'll be right there for you
I'll be right there for you, yeah
I'm right at your side
Maybe deep down inside, you don't believe it
Your wailing wall, it isn't weeping at all
And you're not worthy of adoration
You're scared that somebody somewhere's gonna find
the burst pipe
And as fast as they bow down they'll leave you behind
But baby be brave cause what's the point of it all
What's the point of it all, yeah
Baby don't blow it, tell me what's it all for
If you're not terrified to fail
Are you terrified to fail?
Way far down below you don't feel it
Yeah everyone knows but we don't believe it
The pain of a pop star you're breaking my heart
But baby be brave cause what's the point of it all
What's the point of it all, yeah
Baby don't blow it, tell me what's it all for
If you're not terrified to fail
(Confide in me, tell your story)
Are you terrified to fail?
(it's your fear that makes you worthy)
I know what you're doing 'cause
God I've been tempted, you are
Drowning the special to
Inmortalize the rise
And what's the point of it all
If you're not terrified to fail
(Confide in me, tell your story)
Are you terrified to fail?
(it's your fear that makes you worthy)
I'm terrified to fail
(Confide in me, tell your story)
Are you terrified to fail?
(it's your fear that makes you worthy)
All beauty all fade away, borrowed
All moonlight, return today, borrowed
All sunrise all shooting stars, borrowed
All earth bound bare feet in clay
you know we're standing on
Borrowed borrowed heaven
Borrowed borrowed heaven
All heartache all rivers cried, borrowed
Don't stay out too late tonight, borrowed
I love you don't wanna die, borrowed
You taste like paradise, I know I'm breathing in
Borrowed borrowed heaven
Borrowed borrowed heaven
Borrowed borrowed heaven
Borrowed borrowed heaven
You have my life and I will give it back
But before I do, I'm gonna hold it tight
This isMy Prayer
All body, All skin all bone, borrowed
All silky, all smooth and warm, borrowed
Almighty I stand alone
I know I'm living in
Borrowed borrowed heaven
*Hasta el final
Go on go on
Leave me breathless
Come on [echo...]
Hey... yeah...
The daylight's fading slowly
But time with you is standing still
I'm waiting for you only
The slightest touch and I feel weak
I cannot lie, from you I cannot hide
And I'm losing the will to try
Can't hide it (can't hide it), can't fight it (can't fight it)
So go on, go on, come on, leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me, until I can't deny
This loving feeling (loving feeling)
Make me long for your kiss
Go on (go on), go on (go on)
Come on
And if there's no tomorrow
And all we have is here and now
I'm happy just to have you
You're all the love I need somehow
It's like a dream
Although I'm not asleep
And I never want to wake up
Don't lose it (don't lose it), don't leave it (don't leave it)
So go on, go on, come on, leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me, until I can't deny
This loving feeling (loving feeling)
Make me long for your kiss
Go on (go on), go on (go on)
Come on [echo...]
[Guitar's solo] Yeah-ie, yeah, yeah-ie, yeah...
And I can't lie
From you I cannot hide
And I've lost my will to try
Can't hide it (can't hide it), can't fight it, (can't fight it)
So go on, (go on) go on, (go on), come on, leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me, until I can't deny
This loving feeling (loving feeling) Make me long for your kiss
Go on, (go on) go on, (go on) come on, leave... me breathless
Go on, (go on) go on, (go on) come on, leave... me breathless
Go on, (go on) go on, (go on) come on, leave... me breathless
Go on... go on!
作者: 流星玉猫 2005-3-13 02:45 回复此发言
3 回复:可儿家族合唱团歌词、专辑全收录
I see you, walking everyday
With a smile beneath frown
But I won't look away, yeah
What does it mean
What's there to see
If I look
Closer, closer, closer, closer
Closer, closer, closer, closer
Where are you going
And what are you thinking at all
Your eyes show nothing more
Than a dazed oblivion
What does it mean
What will I see
When I look
Closer, closer, closer, closer
Closer, closer, closer, closer..., ah, yeah
You don't see me
Watching everyday
My smile could warm your frown
And I'd never look away, never look away
There's more to me (there's more to me)
Than what you see
When you look
Closer, closer, closer, closer
Closer, closer, closer, closer
Closer, (close....r) closer, closer, closer..., ah yeah-ie...
Closer, (ah ha) closer, (ah ha) closer, no, no, no, (ah ha)
(ah ha, ah ha, ah ha, ah ha, ah ha,) ah, no, no...
What a day, that I've left behind
Youforgave, said I've done my time
I've been good, animation rhyme
Sisterhood, can I find that line
Not anymore, I don't feel it
I'm not hopeless, tragic
No, nothing no more to say
I've got freedom, no more calling
I don't care
I'll walk away
'Cause I've got confidence for quiet
I'm not afraid
I'm not hungry, I'm over fed
Satisfied, with the life I've led
Moving on, to where you can't see
What is me
Well it's just for me
Mine end of the line
You don't hear it crashing silent
You're all gone left me behind
Is this freedom no one's calling
I don't care, I'll walk away
'Cause I've got confidence for quiet
I'm not afraid
No, nothing no more to say
Is this freedom, no one calling
I don't care, I'll walk away
'Cause I've got confidence for quiet
I'm not afraid
I don't care
I'll walk away
'Cause I've got confidence for quiet
I'm not afraid
I've got confidence
I'm not afraid
I've seen this place a thousand times
I've felt this all before
And every time you call
I've waited there as though you might not call at all
I know this face I'm wearing now
I've seen this in my eyes
And though it feels so great, I'm still afraid
That you'll be leaving anytime
We've done this once and then you closed the door
Don't let me fall again for nothing more
Don't say you love me unless forever
Don't tell me you need me, if you're not gonna stay
Don't give me this feeling, I'll only believe it
Make it real or take it all away
I've caught myself smiling alone
Just thinking of your voice
And dreaming of your touch, is all too much
You know I don't have any choice
Don't say you love me unless forever
Don't tell me you need me, if you're not gonna stay
Don't give me this feeling, I'll only believe it
Make it real or take it all away...
Yeah, yeah yeah
We've done this once and then you closed the door
Don't let me fall again for nothing more
Don't say you love me unless forever
Don't tell me you need me, if you're not gonna stay
Don't give me this feeling, I'll only believe it
Make it real or take it all away
(Say you love me...)
Don't tell me you need me, if you're not gonna stay
Don't give me this feeling, I'll only believe it
Make it real, (make it real,) or take it all away
Take it all away, take it all away...
Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
It's only right that you should play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
Yeah, thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Yeah, women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean you'll know, you'll know...
Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
Well It's only me that wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell
Dreams of loneliness
Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
(Drives you mad,) and what you lost, (remember what you had)
Thunder only happens when it's raining
(Thunder only happens when it's...)
Players only love you when they're playing
(Players only love you when they're...)
Yeah, women they will come and they will go, (they will go...)
When the rain washes you clean you'll know...
Yeah, thunder only happens when it's raining
(Thunder only happens when it's...)
Players only love you when they're playing
(Players only love you when they're...)
Yeah, women they will come and they will go, (they will go...)
When the rain washes you clean you'll know...
You'll know, (the heartbeat drives you mad,) you'll know, (remember what you had)
You'll know...
the corrs_The Corrs -主要专辑
专辑名称 :终极精选
艺人姓名 :The Corrs
发行公司 :华纳唱片
发行日期 :2006年11月20日
演唱语种 :英文
the corrs_The Corrs -资料来源 corrs_The Corrs -相关词条