海鸥原创双色球 海鸥呀,请带着我飞回故乡(诗歌)原创(中英文对比阅读)


Seagull, please take me to fly back home


(pictures / collection / network)


Author: Ouyang Xinyue(文章阅读网:www.www.AihuAu.com.net )

海鸥呀海鸥 白色的海鸥

Seagull seagull white gull

你要 飞向 哪里

Do you want to go

能不能 告诉我

Can you tell me

你要 飞去的方向

Do you want to fly in the direction of

夏季的海 波澜壮阔

The summer sea surge high and sweep forward

秋季的海 风平浪静

The fall of the sea be in smooth water

冬天的海 万里薄冰

The winter sea miles of ice

我在这里 很想告诉你

I want to tell you here.


I love Summer Bay

今天的 海湾呀

Today's Bay.

还是 这样蔚蓝

So blue


Today the sea.

还是 这样的碧蓝

So blue


I have my melancholy mood

痴痴地 把你遥望

Keep your distance

遥望你 上空的天际

Look you over the

遥望你 周围的岛屿

See you around the island

更想遥望你 四周的故土

Want to look into the distance around your home

一片海儿 一片眷念故土的心情

A sea a missed homeland mood

一首歌儿 一首思念故乡的情结

A song a song of missing hometown complex

海鸥呀 海鸥 请你

Seagull seagull please

快带我 飞向日思夜想的故乡

Take me to the hometown of night and day.

请你 快带我 飞回久别重逢的故乡

Please take me to fly back home after being apart a long time

海鸥呀海鸥 你可知道

Seagull seagull you know

我漂泊已久的心儿 有点累了

I had been long wandering heart a little tired.

海鸥呀海鸥 你可知道

Seagull seagull you know

我对你的思念是 望眼欲穿

I miss you is expect to see someone who never comes

今夜听海的声音 翻滚

I hear the voice of the sea rolling

今夜 听海涛在 放声歌唱

Tonight listen to the waves in the singing

每每我 想起你的模样

海鸥原创双色球 海鸥呀,请带着我飞回故乡(诗歌)原创(中英文对比阅读)

Whenever I think of you.

我的眼睛里面 就会布满期待的泪光

My eyes will be full of expect tears

归来 归来兮 回归故乡

Return return, return to hometown


I love the sea.


Great kindness you as my mom

今夜 我的心儿 早就飞回你身边

Tonight, my heart would fly back to your side

今夜 我还在心里面 一遍遍

Tonight I still heart again and again


Recall your generous feelings and broad chest

给我一个 轻轻地拥抱吧

Give me a gently hug.

我一辈子里 所热爱的大海

I ever love the sea

我在冬天的路口 将你遥望

I will you go on the junction of the winter

我在 迎春花开的时刻

I am in the winter jasmine moment

情不自禁地 用劲投进你的怀抱

Be overcome by one's feelings to exert oneself to fall into your arms

你是我的生命中的 激情和向往

You are my passion in life and yearning

海鸥呀海鸥 快带我飞向大海的身旁

Seagull seagull quick fly me to the sea side

快带我 飞向大海边---- 我的故乡

Take me to the sea, my hometown


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103380103/78769.html


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