平顶山市简介 平顶山市一高 平顶山市一高-简介,平顶山市一高-概况



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平顶山市一高_平顶山市一高 -概况


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平顶山市简介 平顶山市一高 平顶山市一高-简介,平顶山市一高-概况


A Survey of the School
Pingdingshan No.1 Senior Middle School, set up in 1961, is the earliest key school in the city. As one of the first beacon high schools accredited by Pingdingshan City, it is the only school in our city which has the privilege to enroll "Hongzhi" students from all over the province.
At present, there are 60 classes with over 4,000 students. There are over 234 teaching and administrative staff. Various facilities, such as teaching buildings, offices, laboratories, student dormitories, canteens, are available. The school is well-equipped with campus net, library, reading room, computer lab,language lab, and multi-media classrooms. Furthermore, gymnasium and sports facilities are well served and the first-class labs are open to all the staff.
It has a great number of excellent teachers, among whom there are 117 teachers, including 4 special-class teachers, 80 senior-level teachers, and more than 50 national, provincial, municipal-level subject leaders and chief teachers. And one teacher even gets the allowance granted by the State Council. There are 9 teachers who got master's degree, and 21 post graduates. Three teachers are granted the title of “Excellent State Teacher”. The total number of graduates is up to 25.6%, which is in the leading position among high schools.
The school always sticks to the educational concept of "Quality first, all-round development". It fully implements the educational principles and fulfils the quality-oriented education. Cultivating students through teaching, management and surroundings, it has already received fame from citizens for the first-class teaching facilities, management and achievement.
One of the remarkable characteristics of our school is the Hongzhi Class, started in 1997. It was entitled "Provincial Hongzhi Class" and began to enroll students provincially from November, 2003. We lay special emphasis on sports and art education, and great achievements have been made. So it has been awarded “The Advanced School with Distinctive Characteristics" for four times.
Forty years’ hard work brings a good harvest. Pingdingshan No. 1 Senior Middle School has contributed tens of thousands of excellent students to universities and the society.

Now, we are approaching a new era. Proud, ambitious, and united, the members of the school have set goals to be "Provincial Exemplary School" and "National Civilized Unit". With opportunities and hopes, as well as challenges and difficulties, we are going to meet new challenges in the new century wholeheartedly and confidently. We will continue to strive to be province-wide, first-class high school.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103380103/77114.html


平顶山新区规划概况 平顶山市概况


新安一高 新安一高-学校简介,新安一高-校园设施


渑池一高 渑池一高-渑池一高简介,渑池一高-校园环境

渑池一高,成立于21世纪初,位于河南省。渑池一高_渑池一高 -渑池一高简介学校现有60个教学班,4000余名学生,230余名教职工。学校连续10年被评为“三门峡市教学先进单位”,受到县委、政府记功嘉奖;近年来,先后被授予“全国学校体育卫生工作

平顶山市 平顶山市-概况,平顶山市-行政区划

平顶山(英文名: PingDingshan)位于河南省中南部,地处东经113.29度,北纬33.75,是河南省下属的一个地级市,中国煤炭工业城市,是中国重要的煤炭产地。因市区建在“山顶平坦如削”的平顶山下而得名。面积8867平方千米。人口约520万,以汉族为主。2

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