无犯罪证明 英文版 无犯罪记录证明英文


无犯罪记录证明英文May 5, 2014

To Whom It May Concern,

无犯罪证明 英文版 无犯罪记录证明英文

This is to verify that XX, DOB , does not have a criminal record with YY County Sheriff’s Office.

Seal of YY County Sheriff’s Office


(2007)A B 外民字第C号(文章阅读网:www.www.AihuAu.com.net )



公证员 R


Notarial Certificate of Non-criminal Punishment

(2007) A B Wai Min Zi No. C

This is to certify that D (male, born on G H,19EF, now residing at No.O, Unit N, Building M, No.X L Road, K district, J City, I Province) hasn’t received any criminal punishment during his residence in China until P Q, 2007.

J Notary Public Office (Seal)

I Province, the People’s Republic of China

Notary: R

P Q, 2007

Notarial Certificate of Non-criminal Punishment This is to certify that XX(male, born on XX.XX,XXXX,now residing at No.X, Unit X,Building X,NO.X Road,XX district,XX City,XX Province) hasn’t received any criminal punishment during his residence in China until XX.XX,XXXX. XX Notary Public Office (Seal)XX Province,the People’s Republic of ChinaNotary: XXXX.XX,XXXX






Notarial Certificate of Non-criminal PunishmentThis is to certify that XX(male, born on XX.XX,XXXX,now residing at No.X, Unit X,Building X,NO.X Road,XX district,XX City,XX Province) hasn’t received any criminal punishment during his residence in China until XX.XX,XXXX. XX Notary Public Office (Seal)XX Province,the People’s Republic of ChinaNotary: XXXX.XX,XXXX


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103370103/75943.html


加拿大无犯罪证明,加拿大无犯罪记录证明 无行犯罪记录证明

【此文最后更新时间: 2015年11月05日】背景:2013年,在北京工作的英国籍英语教师罗宾森被查出过去在英国有猥亵儿童的犯罪前科,但是他没有在华递交其过去的犯罪记录证明,却在北京担任英语外教,查处后被警方扣押。针对此类事件,中国政

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