2014世界杯主题曲we are one 歌词

天下一家 / 2014年巴西世界杯主题曲
[Pitbull / 嘻哈斗牛犬]
Put your flags up in the sky
高擎旗帜 直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto)
直指天空 举向更高
And wave'em side to side
左右挥舞 旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado)
左右挥动 排排共舞
Show the world where you're from
向世界展示 你来自何方
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
让世界知道 天下一家
(one, love, life)
一体 真爱 生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
When the goin gets tough
(goin gets tough)
The tough get goin
(tough get goin)
One love (love), one life (life)
同一份热爱 同一体生命
one world (world), one fight (fight)
同一个世界 同一场战役
Whole world (world), one night (night),
整个世界 聚焦一夜
one place (place), Brazil (Brasil)
仅在一地 正是巴西
Everybody put your flags in the sky
And do what you feel
It's your world, my world, our world
今天 就是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界
And we invite the whole world,
whole world to play
It's your world, my world, our world today
今天 就是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界
And we invite the whole world,
whole world to play
Es mí mundo, tú mundo,
él mundo, de nosotros
这是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界
Invitamos al todo el mundo,
a hogar con nosotros
Put your flags up in the sky
高擎旗帜 直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto)
直指天空 举向更高
And wave'em side to side
左右挥舞 旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado)
左右挥动 排排共舞
Show the world where you're from
向世界展示 你来自何方
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
让世界知道 天下一家
(one, love, life)
一体 真爱 生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Jenny, darling
[Jennifer Lopez / 詹妮弗?洛佩兹]
One night watch the world unite,
Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes
两支队伍 一场比赛 万众聚焦
Full hearts gonna work so hard, shoot for the stars
满溢的心情 直冲星汉
Fists raised towards the sky tonight
今夜振臂高呼 拳指向天
Watch the world unite,
World unite, world unite for the fight fight fight
世界共融 只为这场比赛
One night watch the world unite,
Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes
两支队伍 一场比赛 万众聚焦
Hey hey hey
Forza forza
加油 加油
Come on sing with me
Hey hey hey
Allez allez
come shout it out with me
Hey hey hey
Come on now
Hey hey hey
Come on now
Hey hey hey, hey hey
Put your flags up in the sky
高擎旗帜 直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto)
直指天空 举向更高
And wave'em side to side
左右挥舞 旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado)
左右挥动 排排共舞
Show the world where you're from
向世界展示 你来自何方
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
让世界知道 天下一家
(one, love, life)
一体 真爱 生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
[Cláudia Leitte] (葡萄牙语)
é meu é seu,
属于你 也属于我
Hoje é tudo nosso,
Quando eu chamo o mundo inteiro pra jogar
é pra mostrar que eu posso,
Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritar
欢呼 痛苦 微笑 尖叫
NO importa o resultado vamos extravasar
Put your flags up in the sky
高擎旗帜 直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto)
直指天空 举向更高
And wave'em side to side
左右挥舞 旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado)
左右挥动 排排共舞
Show the world where you're from
向世界展示 你来自何方
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
让世界知道 天下一家
(one, love, life)
一体 真爱 生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
《We Are One》
《We Are One》(我们是一家)是2014年世界杯足球赛主题曲。歌曲延续拉丁风格,由美国拉丁天后詹妮弗・洛佩兹、当红歌星皮普保罗和巴西歌星克劳迪娅・莱蒂共同演唱。歌曲现正在制作过程中,有英语、葡萄牙语和西班牙语三种语言的版本。
巴西世界杯主题曲歌手公布2014年1月23日,国际足联在里约热内卢与索尼公司共同宣布,2014年世界杯足球赛主题曲将延续上届的拉丁风格,这首名为《We Are One》(我们是一家)的歌曲由美国拉丁天后詹妮弗・洛佩兹、当红歌星皮普保罗和巴西歌星克劳迪娅・莱蒂共同演唱。
这首歌将是第三首具有拉丁风格的世界杯主题曲,此前的两首是1998年世界杯时由瑞奇・马丁演唱的《生命之杯》和2010年世界杯夏奇拉演唱的《Waka Waka》(非洲时刻)。