纳粹毒气室 纳粹毒气室 纳粹毒气室-纳粹毒气室,纳粹毒气室-图片

Gas chambers were used in the Nazi Third Reich during the 1930s as part of the so-called "public euthanasia program" aimed at eliminating physically and intellectually disabled people, and later the mentally ill. At that time, the preferred gas was carbon monoxide, often provided by the exhaust gas of cars or trucks or army tanks.

毒气室_纳粹毒气室 -纳粹毒气室

Gas chambers were used in the Nazi Third Reich during the 1930s as part of the so-called "public euthanasia program" aimed at eliminating physically and intellectually disabled people, and later the mentally ill. At that time, the preferred gas was carbon monoxide, often provided by the exhaust gas of cars or trucks or army tanks.

Later, during the Holocaust, gas chambers were modified and enhanced to accept even larger groups as part of the Nazi policy of genocide against Jews, and others. In January or February, 1940, 250 Gypsy children from Brno in the Buchenwald concentration camp were used as guinea pigs for testing theZyklonB (hydrogen cyanide absorbed into various solid substrates)【2】. On September 3, 1941, 600 Soviet POWs were gassed with Zyklon B at Auschwitz camp I; this was the first experiment with the gas at Auschwitz.

Carbon monoxide was also used in large purpose-built gas chambers. The gas was provided by petrol or diesel engines (detailed in the Gerstein Report).【3】 Nazi gas chambers in mobile vans and at least eight concentration camps (see also extermination camp) were used to kill several million people between 1941 and 1945. Some stationary gas chambers could kill 2,500 people at once. Numerous sources record the use of gas chambers in the Holocaust, including the direct testimony of Rudolf Höß, Commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp【4】.

The gas chambers were dismantled when Russian troops got close, except at Majdanek. The gas chamber at Auschwitz I was rebuilt after the war as a memorial, but without a door in its doorway.

毒气室_纳粹毒气室 -图片


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纳粹毒气室 纳粹毒气室 纳粹毒气室-纳粹毒气室,纳粹毒气室-图片

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二战时期德军军衔 纳粹军衔


纳粹德国最年轻的上校:约阿希姆. 佩普 辐射4佩普啪啪啪视频

些人生来就是要被列入传奇的,约阿希姆.派普(Joachim “Jochen”Peiper)就是这样一个人物。他29岁成为纳粹德国最年轻的上校,如果不是历史使然,他很可能是日后德国最年轻的将军。在美国人看来,他是臭名昭著的战犯,战后马尔梅迪大屠杀军事法

二战著名将帅之纳粹德国主要将领简介 纳粹德国将领

(2011-11-03 21:18:04) 转载▼标签: 军事分类: 人物故事纳粹德国高级将领国家元首兼总理,最高统帅:阿道夫·希特勒〈1934-1945.5〉,邓尼茨陆军总司令:弗洛姆堡元帅〈1920-1938元月〉,勃劳希契元帅〈1938-1941.12〉,希特勒〈1941-1945.5〉陆

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