Basic Education
Basic education in China includes pre-school education, primary education and regular secondary education.
Preschool, or kindergarten, can last up to three years, with children entering as early as age three, until age six, when they typically enter elementary school. The academic year is divided into two semesters.
Secondary education is divided into academic secondary education and specialized/vocational/technical secondary education.
Academic secondary education is delivered by academic lower and upper middle schools.
Lower middle school graduates wishing to continue their education take a locally administered entrance exam, on the basis of which they will have the option either of continuing in an academic upper middle school or of entering a vocational secondary school. Vocational schools offer programs ranging from two to four years and train medium-level skilled workers, farmers, and managerial and technical personnel. Technical schools typically offer four-years programs to train intermediate technical personnel. “Schools for Skilled Workers” typically train junior middle school graduates for positions requiring production and operation skills. The length of training is typically three year.
Higher Education
Higher education at the undergraduate level includes two-and three-year junior colleges(sometimes also called short-cycle colleges, four-year colleges, and universities offering programs in both academic and vocational subjects. Many colleges and universities also offer graduate programs leading to the master’s or Ph.D. degree.
Chinese higher education at the undergraduate level is divided into three-year and four-year programs. The former is offered not only at short-cycle colleges, but frequently also at four-year colleges and universities. The latter is offered at four-year colleges and universities but do not always lead to the bachelor’s degree.
Myriad higher education opportunities also fall under the general category of adult education.
Adult Education
The adult education category overlaps all three of the above categories. Adult primary education includes Workers’ Primary Schools, Peasants’ Primary Schools, and literacy classes. Adult secondary education includes radio/TV specialized secondary schools, specialized secondary school forcadres, specialized secondary schools for staff and workers, specialized secondary schools for peasants, in-service teacher training schools and correspondence specialized secondary schools. Adult higher education includes radio/TV universities, cadre institutes, workers’ colleges, peasant colleges, correspondence colleges, and educational colleges. Most of the above offer both two- and three-year short-cycle curricula; only a few also offer regular undergraduate curricula.
Education Management and Administration System in China
China has set up an education system with government as the major investor and social partners as co-investors. In current stage, local government is playing a key role in compulsory education, while central and provincial government are dominant in higher education. In occupational and adult education, social partners including industrial organizations, businesses and public institutions are playing a more and more important role.
Ministry of Education of PRC is the supreme education administration body in China, which is responsible for carrying out related laws, regulations, guidelines and policies of the central government; planning development of education sector; integrating and coordinating educational initiatives and programs nationwide; maneuvering and guiding education reform countrywide.
Since 1978, Chinese government has promulgated such codes as Degreestatuteof the People's Republic of China, Law of Compulsory Education of the People's Republic of China, Law of Teachers of the People's Republic of China, Law of Protection over Juveniles of the People's Republic of China, Education Law of the People's Republic of China, Statute for Teacher's Eligibility and Law of Higher education of the People's Republic of China, and released more than ten sets of education administration regulations. The Ministry of Education, within its jurisdiction, has issued more than 200 sets of administrative rules and regulations, significantly facilitating development of education of different natures.
With regard to education budget, financial allocation is still the major source, while multiple fund channels have been opened up. At present, fund needed by schools directly controlled by the central government comes from the central financial pool; schools controlled by local governments are supported by local finance; schools sponsored by township and villageship governments and by public institutions are mainly financed by the sponsor institutions and subsidized by local governments; funds needed by schools operated by social partners and celebrities are raised by the sponsors themselves (including collecting tuition from students and soliciting contributions). In addition to these sources, the central government is advocating work-study programs, aiming at improving the education conditions through premium services.
China's educational fund has been increased on yearly basis since 1978. Total educational input in 1998 reached RMB294.906 billion,amongst, 203.245 billion from the revenue pool, of which, 156.559 billion from budget allocation in a strict sense.
International Communication and Cooperation
Since 1978 when China inaugurated the opening and reform initiative, international communication and cooperation in the education sector has migrated onto a new stagecheeringhealthy development of abroad studying, increasing number of foreigners studying in China, and expanding cross-border academic communication. International communication and cooperation has brought us with beneficial reference, impelled education reform and development in China and enhanced the mutual understanding and friendship between China and other countries.
In more than two decades since 1979, China sent some 320,000 students to more than 100 countries and regions, hosted 340,000 students from more than 160 countries and regions;dispatchedout 1,800 teachers and experts, appointed 40,000 foreign experts and teachers. Number of Chinese experts and academicians once involved in international conferences held abroad and that of foreign experts and academicians once presenting at international academic symposiums held in China both amounted to 11,000.
In 1996 only, China sent out more than 10,000 students to nearly 100 countries and regions and entertained nearly 33,000 international students from 160 countries and regions. In order to help partner countries to bring up culture-indifferent sci-tech and translation professionals, China configured teachers for Chinese language programs launched in more than 30 countries, and gave mission orders to more than 5,000 expertsdestinedto short-term teaching programs launched in different countries. On the other hand, colleges and universities in the country extended appointment letters to some 3,760 foreign-originated experts and teachers. In the year, colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Educationapproved 2,099 application cases for involvement in some 1,316 international academic symposiums held abroad. Nearly 140 international academic symposiums and seminars hosted by colleges and universities in China welcomed in some 5,000 participants from foreign countries. Nearly 130 study groups visited China...
Fresh progress has been made in foreign-oriented education aid program, embodied in the migration from facility construction to program launching, which has enhanced the school running capability of the beneficiary countries, winning high praise from the beneficiary governments.
In more than two decades, China has made sound achievements inbilateraland multilateral education cooperation, which has got educational aid from UNESCO, UNIECF, UNFPA, UNDP, World Bank and many other international organizations, including loan of US.7 billion from World Bank for the education development program, and aid of more than USD100 million from other organizations.
In recent years, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have increased education aid to Mainland China, the educational communication and cooperation between both sides has been expanded steadily.
Outlook on Chinese Education
As a whole, education in China, the mostpopulouscountry with extremely unbalanced economic and culture development, is still an under-cultivated land. Proportion of graduates from primary, junior and senior middle schools entering schools of higher levels is an important index reflecting educational level of a nation. According to the 1%demographicSurvey conducted in 1995, among every 100,000 people, 2,065 completed degree programs; 8,282 graduated from high schools; 27,283 with an education level of junior middle school. To accommodate the socio-economic development and satisfy the young's desire for higher level education, Chinese education sector still has a long way to cover.
Flying development of science and technology worldwide, as well as intensifying competition in economic and technological fields have addressed a tough challenge to education. Those who frontline the education will have a louder saying in the international competition in the 21st century. Chinese government, regarding education as a strategic priority, promulgated the China Agenda for Education Reform and Development, advancing the global object for China's education development by the end of 20th Century, which is read: by year 2000, popularizing K9 compulsory education nationwide,basicallyeliminating illiteracy among young and middle-aged population, intensively supporting 100 universities and a batch of key subjects (Program 211), giving adequate support toward occupational and polytechnic education and adult education bound for a great prospect.
Realizing such an agenda is an extremelyformidabletask, which requires countrywide efforts in increasing education funds, improving schooling conditions,Boostingteaching competence and strengthening education administration. We have adequate reasons to expect an educational framework compatible with Chinese conditions and oriented to the next millennium.
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MOE: Survey of the Educational Reform and Development in China
I A brief introduction of the educational development
II Financial Input in Education
III The Latest Development in 2003
IV Planning for the Educational Reform and Development in 2004 and Near Future
I A brief introduction of the educational development
By the end of 2002, there were 1.17 million educational institutions of various forms and at all levels. Among them, 670,000 are regular schools and the rest 500,000 are adult schools. The total enrollment of students has reached 318 million, which ranks the largest in the whole world.
----In 2002, there were 111,800 kindergartens with an enrollment of 20,360,200 young children.
----A historicbreakthroughhas been witnessed in the universalisation of compulsory education. By 2002, there were altogether 456,900 primary schools with an enrollment of 121,567,100 students and the net enrollment rate of primary schools had reached 98.58%. 97.02% of the graduates enjoyed the access to junior secondary schools and the full-time teachers in primary schools had reached 5,778,900. In addition, there were 65,600 junior secondary schools with an enrollment of 66,874,300 students and the net enrollment rate of junior secondary schools had been raised to 90%. Those schools employed totally 3,467,700 full-time teachers and 58.3% of the junior secondary school graduates continue their study in senior secondary schools. By the end of 2002, the Nine-Year Compulsory Education (NYCE) had been universalized in the area where 90% of the population inhabits, the highest rate among the E-9 countries.
----Education at senior secondary stage has also made big strides. In 2002, there were 32,800 senior secondary schools including regular upper secondary schools, senior secondary vocational schools, regular specialized secondary schools, technical worker schools, upper secondary schools for adults and specialized secondary schools for adults. The total enrollment of these schools had reached 29, 081, 400 and the net enrollment rate was as high as 42.8%. Among the different secondary schools, there were 15, 400 regular upper secondary schools with an enrollment of 16, 838, 100 students and 15,900 secondary vocational schools, including vocational upper secondary schools, regular specialized secondary schools, specialized secondary schools for adults and technical worker schools, with an enrollment of 11,908,000 students. Besides, there were 15,000 senior secondary schools for adults with an enrollment of 335,200 students.
----Higher education in China has also made remarkable process and its quality has been continuously improved. By the end of 2002, there were 2003 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with a total enrollment of 16,000,000 students. With the net enrollment rate of HEIs of 15%, a mass higher education has been established in China. Guided by the principle of ‘joint establishment, adjustment, cooperation and mergence’ and after more than 8-years’ efforts, the management system of higher education has been deeply changed and the educational resources deployment has been optimized. 597 HEIs has been merged into 267. Among the 367 HEIs which were previously under the direct administration of central ministries, about 250’s administration has been shifted to the provincial governments, setting up the system of joint establishment by central and local governments. The previous disadvantage ofirrationaland segmented education structure,OVERLAPPEDdisciplines and waste of resources has been recovered. A new two-level management system consisting of central and local governments with the latter as the main management body has taken shape, mobilizing the initiative of the local government in developing higher education and enhancing the close relationship between HEIs and regional economic and social development. The quality of teaching and education provision by HEIs has been further improved and their research capacity has been developed as well. The commitment of HEIs to the national economic and social development has been increasingly expanded.
----The Chinese government attaches great importance to the eradication of illiteracy. Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the illiteracy rate was as high as 80%. Since 1949, 2300 million illiterates have become neo-literate as the result of anunremittingeffort in literacy work. By 2001, the illiteracy rate of China has been reduced to less than 6.72%, and the illiteracy rate among the 15-50 age group has been declined to less than 4.8%.
----The Chinese government pays much attention to the rights of education for women and children. In 1949, the enrollment rate of primary school-age girl was merely about 15%. By 2002, the net enrollment rate of primary school-age girls has reached 98.53% and the genderdisparityof enrollment ratio has been reduced to 0.09%, indicating gender equity. In 1951, girls only accounted for 28% of the total primary school students and in 2002 this proportion was raised to 47.2% which is higher than the international average of 45.7%. In 2002, female students enrolled in regular secondary schools reached more than 47.23% and that in HEIs reached over 44%.
----The Chinese government shows deep concern to the development of special education. In 2002, there were 1540 special education schools in China with an enrollment of 374,500 students. 68.29% of the disabled students involved in special education receive their education in regular classes and the specially affiliated classes in regular schools.
----The achievements in the education of ethnic minorities are enormous. In 2002, there were 12 colleges (universities) for ethnic minorities. 19,910,000 minority students received their education in educational institutions of various forms at all levels with 980,000 full time teachers. Among the students enrolled in HEIs, 541,000 were ethnic minorities, accounting for a 5.99% of the total enrollment.
----China is the country which sends the most students abroad for further studies and researches. In the last 20 years, 450,000 Chinese students have been sent to 103 countries and regions, among which 160,000 have returned after completions of their studies and researches. At the same time,this period has also witnessed the fastest growth of the number of international students since the founding of the People's Republic Of China .86,000 international students from 170 countries came to china for study in 2002.
----The Chinese government encourages and supports non-state/private entities to set up and operate educational institutions. By now, there have been 61,200 non-state schools of various forms and levels with a total enrollment of 11,159,700 students. Of them, there were 1202 non-state/private HEIs with a total enrollment of 1,403,500 students. In addition there are other 133 non-state/private HEIs authorized to award formal academic degrees, with a total enrollment of 311,200 students. Other 530,500 students are enrolled in facilitating classes for self-taught examinations. Moreover, there are 5362 non-state regular secondary schools with an enrollment of 3,059,100 students, 1085 non-state vocational secondary schools with an enrollment of 470,500 students, 5122 non-state primary schools with an enrollment of 2,221,400 students and 48,400 kindergartens with an enrollment of 4,520,000 young children.
----In China, intensive application of IT in education is beingactivelypromoted and distance education is energetically developed. Since 1999, 68 regular HEIs and the China Central Radio and Television University (CCRTVU) have been approved by the Ministry of Education to carry out the pilot of modern distance education. By the end of 2002, 140 programmes in 10 disciplines had been developed with a total enrollment of 1,373,000 students. These 68 HEIs had opened 2027 learning centers outside their campuses and the pilot project had effectively promote the leap development from the second era of distance education featured by radio and television education to the modern distance education characterised by computer network. A modern distance education system consisting of 68 regular HEIs with their 2000 learning centers and the CCRTVU system, which covers the whole country, has taken shape. Moreover, the China Education and Research Network (CERNET), initiated in 1994, has developed into an operative education network consisting of three tiers, i.e. national level backbone network, local area networks (LANs) and campus intranet. The integration of CERNET and CEBSat, i.e. China Education Network with Satellite and Broadband, has constructed the transmission platform with space and land together, providing a support network environment for the modern distance education in China.
----In 2002, there were altogether 15,790,000 teachers in China, among which 12,390,000 were full time teachers. In 1985, September 10 of each year was named as the Teacher’s Day and this is the first time that a Day was set up for a profession. At the same time, the Chinese government is always committed to improving the social status and welfare of teachers. The Law on Teachers explicitly states that ‘Teachers’ average salary shall not be lower or shall be higher than that of the civilservantsand shall be raised gradually’ and ‘Teachers shall enjoy equal medical care as the civil servant of the localities’. In order to improve the quality of teachers, a National Net Alliance on Teacher Training has been launched in China. This programme aims at developing teacher training through informationlization. By integrating the system of teacher training, satellite network and the Internet, it can provide continuous support and service to the teachers for life long learning and quality improvement. Teacher training can be then carried out at large scale in high efficiency with high quality. All the teachers in primary and secondary schools can receive training and further education, which can lead to a remarkable improvement of the overall quality of primary and secondary school teachers.
II Financial Input in Education
In 2002, the total educational expenditure of the whole country reached 548.003 billion Yuan (RMB), representing an increase by 18.16% compared with a 463.766 billion of 2001. Among the total expenditure, 349.14 billion came from the State’s fiscal resources, which indicated a 14.21% increase compared with a 305.701 billion of the last year. The input from the State’s fiscal resources accounted for 3.41% of GNP in 2002, which again represented an increase by 0.22% compared with that of 3.19% of the year before and marked as the highest proportion of GNP since 1989 when the index was first supervised. The goal of education finance set by the Chinese government is to try to raise the level of public expenditure on education to 4% of GNP within a relatively short duration.
The Chinese government prioritizes education as a fundamental and guiding cause with an overall importance to social and economic development. Financial input into education has been increased constantly by the Chinese government.
Educational expenditure comprises two parts, recurrent expenditure and capital construction expenditure. An educational budget includes a component on recurrent expenditure and a component on capital construction. The financial department and the planning department of the governments at various levels are jointly responsible for drawing up and submitting draft educational budgets to the People’s Congress at the sale level, which then is responsible to examine and approve the draft budget. Once an educational budget is determined, no governmental body or individual has the right to amend it without the approval of the People’s Congress concerned. In the process of implementing the educational budget, the financial and planning departments are responsible for monitoring and allocating recurrent funds and capital construction funds respectively.
With the establishment and perfection ofsocialisticmarket economy, a cost sharing system has been introduced into non-compulsory education. Tuition fees are charged from students at a reasonable percentage based on the full educational cost. Simultaneously, the Chinese government has also taken a series of policies and measures to ensure that students fromeconomicallypoor background will not bedeprivedof access to education. Such measures include mainly a system of scholarships, part-time job facilitating system, special subsidiary system,remissionor reduction of tuitions, and national educational loans. The implementation of these measures has effectively guaranteed that students from poor families can complete their studies successfully.
III The Latest Development in 2003
In 2003, guided by the grand objectives of establishing a well-off society, new progresses have been witnessed in educational reform and development based on the principle that education in China should be overall planned and oriented for the future and should be satisfactory for the whole public.
----In September 2003, the National Conference on Education in Rural Areas was held by the State Council. This is the first conference focused on education in rural areas since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The ‘Decision on Further Intensifying the Efforts on Rural Education by the State Council’ was promulgated afterwards, identifying explicitly the strategic status of education in rural areas as the ‘priority among priorities’ in China. Three grand objectives, namely a strategic breakthrough in the West, further consolidation and improvement, and deepening the comprehensive reform on education in rural areas, were finalized in this conference. This conference has promoted the overall development and improvement of basic education and rural education in China. In 2003, 51 more countries have universalized the NYCE and eradicated illiteracy among middle-aged and young group, among which 42 are in western areas.
In 2003, the earmarked fund from central fiscal to the compulsory education in rural areas was increased. By now, 3 billion RMB has been available for the second round of ‘National Compulsory Education Scheme in Poor Areas’. Additionally, the Chinese government also aims at allocating 6 billion RMB for the ‘Reconstruction Programme of Dangerous School Buildings in Rural Areas’. In 2003, 2 billion has been allocated already. Another 1.344 billion was contributed to the pilot of ‘National Modern Distance Education Programme in Rural Areas’. As a result, the pilot project, including 10,000 primary and secondary in countryside launched previously under the framework of ‘Modern Distance Education Programme in Western Primary and Secondary Schools’, has been completed successfully. The fund for free textbooks has been increased from 200 million to 400 million RMB each year. Students in 56 poverty-strickencountries in XinJiang have received free textbooks and remission of school fees blessed by the joint financial support from both central and local governments. Local governments also have increased their input into education and promoted actively the implementation of counterpart facilitation programmes. Universilisation of NYCE and eradication of illiteracy among the middle-aged and the young have been taken into reality in 86.6% of the countries in China.
----Higher education in China enjoyed a rapid development in 2003. The total enrollment of regular HEIs in 2003 reached 3.82 million, 617,000 more than that of last year, indicating an increase by 19%. The total enrollment of postgraduate students in 2003 has reached about 269,000, 68,900 more than that of last year, representing an increase by 34%. The total enrollment rate of HEIs of various forms has amounted to 19 millions and the gross enrollment of higher education has reached 17%.
----The establishment of world class university, the development of key disciplines and the training of high-qualified talents were intensified in 2003. At the same time, the efforts in implementing the Quality Programme in higher education was strengthened and the guidance and planning for the innovation of science and technology in HEIs and for the research of humanities and social science was improved as well. New progress was made in the reform of higher education management system and higher education structure adjustment, promoting further the real integration of merged universities. A leading mechanism and a policy framework for higher education graduates employment have taken shape. By this September, more than 70% of the newly higher education graduates has successfully found their employment, indicating a smooth development of graduates employment.
----In order to meet the requirement that vocational education should be more adaptive to the economicrestructureand the development of townships, the national government calls for a new notion that vocational education shall be oriented by employment. Under this notion, the reform, restructure and development of vocational education will be fastened with the expectation that the overall structure of vocational education will be more reasonable with a better development trend.
----Efforts in administrating inaccordancewith laws and in developing legal system for education were further intensified in 2003. Obvious achievements have been made in the management of casual charge.
----Openness in education has been expanded and the international educational cooperation and exchanges have developed in more depth and at higher level. In order to protect the entitled rights of students and parents, efforts in reorganize the order of international education service has been strengthened as well.
IV Planning for the Educational Reform and Development in 2004 and Near Future
During the process of implementing the strategy of ‘Rejuvenating China through Science and Education’ and ‘Develop China by Talent’ and developing an overall well-off society, the Chinese government will further promote the sustainable, healthy, cohesive and rapid development of education, build up a perfect national educational system and a lifelong learning system, produce billions of high qualified labors, millions of specialized professionals and a large group of outstanding innovative talents, and promote a close integration between education and innovation in science and technology,Economic construction, culture prosperity and social development.
On December 30, 2003, the National Steering Group for Science, Technology and Education under the new cabinet held the second meeting and heard the report by the Ministry of Education on ‘Action Plan for Rejuvenating Education 2003-2007’ and ‘The Programme for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalisation of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West’. The ‘Action Plan for Rejuvenating Education 2003-2007’ identifies the direction, tasks and objectives of educational development in China for the next 5 years, clarifying the detailed requirements for educational reform and development. Meanwhile, ‘The Programme for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalisation of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West’putsforward the details on the universlisation of NYCE and the eradication of illiteracy among middle-aged and young group in the western areas. The implementation of these two Programmes will play an important role in improving the overall national quality and pursuing cohesive and sustainable development of economy and society. The Ministry of Education will comply with the requirement set by the meeting and carry out the two programmes carefully from the strategic perspective of rejuvenating China through science, technology and education, developing China through talents, and promoting the process of Grand Western Development.
In the future, the educational work in China will follow the principle of ‘consolidating existing achievements, deepening reform, improving quality and pursuing sustainable development’ to promote the overall, healthy, rapid and sustainable development of education of various forms and at all levels.
The first priority is to promote the educational reform and development in rural areas. In China, 70% of the population inhabits in rural areas and the students in primary and secondary schools in rural areas have amounted to 160 million. 2004 will witness the implementation of ‘The Programme for Strategic Breakthrough in the Universalisation of Nine-Year Compulsory Education and Eradication the Illiteracy among Middle-aged and Young Group in the West’. It is planned that in the next five years, the universalisation of NYCE and eradication of illiteracy will be realized in the western areas so that all the children in the west can have access to education, fulfilling the purpose of the Programme. In those western and central areas where the NYCE has been universalized, the achievements are to be consolidated and quality of the NYCE and compulsory education should be further improved. In the areas with developed economy, the NYCE should be universalized at a higher level with better quality. At the same time, we will promote the development of Modern Distance Programme for Primary and Secondary Schools in Rural Areas and try to improve the management system for compulsory education in rural areas in which the county will act as the main management body
We will intensify our efforts in implementing the ‘Programme on Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform in HEIs’ and in the deepening of teaching reform in HEIs so that the quality of higher education and the quality of talents produced by higher education can be further improved. We will concentrate our resources to strengthen the efforts in developing world class universities and key disciplines. By carrying out the second round of 985 Programme and 211 Project, a system for key disciplines with reasonable structure and individual advantages and characteristics can be built up. In addition, the Postgraduate Education Innovation Programme, the Programme for Scientific and Technological Innovation in HEIs, the Programme on Higher Qualified Innovative Talents will all be continued in 2004 so that HEIs can become a forceful drive in the national innovation system and the land for gathering high qualified talents. It is expected that through these efforts, the capacity of national knowledge innovation and the capacity of training high level excellent talents will both be strengthened so that higher education can contribute its own commitment in terms of knowledge and talents to the overall comprehensive national capacity.
We will promote the close integration of vocational education and economical and social development. Focus will be devoted on the programme of training talents urgently needed by manufacturing industry and service industry and on the programme of training for the shift of rural workforce. Employment will be the orientation of vocational education. Vitality of vocational schools will be expanded for new development and breakthrough in vocational education to meet the sharply increasing need from the society on high qualified and skillful talents.
We will take full advantage of the valuable resources from the whole society, fully support and encourage the healthy development of non-state/private education. It is expected that a mechanism will be established in which public education and private education can jointly develop themselves, which then will lead to the continuous increase of educational services and the continuous deepening of educational reform.
We will implement the Programme on Quality Education in the New Century to development quality education at all levels so that the overall development of the students can be promoted and a solid foundation for their life long sustainable development can be established.
We will also try our best to serve the establishment of a learning society for lifelong learning, serve the remarkable improvement of national quality ofmorale, science, technology, culture and health, serve the establishment of a modern national education system, as well as the national science, technology and culture innovation system and serve the overall development of human beings.
We will carry out the Programme on Education Informationlization, accelerate the pace in infrastructure construction, resource construction and talent production and improve the overall application of IT in educational system.
We will implement the Programme on High Qualified Teachers and Teaching Management, improve the system of teaching training and life long learning of teachers, deepen the reform in personnel system and speed up our process in establishing acohortof high qualified teachers and a high qualified management team.
We will continue the implementation of policies on graduate employment and intensify the construction of employment service system for graduates. The reform on graduate employment system will be accelerated and the guidance and policy mechanism for graduate employment will be improved so that the integration, openness and normalization of graduate employment market can be further developed. It is expected that a better information network and an improved guidance and service system for graduate employment can be built up.
We will deepen the reform on personnel system in education to improve the system and mechanism of talents. The strategy of developing schools through talents will be proactively promoted with the priority on high level talents. Various measures will be taken to train and attract more oversea Chinese talents.
We will improve the policy and system on facilitating students from poor families. National Loans for HEI students will be further promoted and the system of Green Pass will be improved to ensure that students in HEIs will not drop out due to the economic difficulties. Thesubsidysystem for rural students from poor families to receive compulsory education will be improved. We will try out best to raise more funds to expand the coverage of free textbooks to guarantee the entitled right of compulsory education for the students from poor families in rural areas and students from low-income families in urban areas
We will adhere to the principle of comprehensive administration to deepen the efforts in managing casual charge in education. Our commitment in this aspect will be continued and a ‘Single Fee System’ will be disseminated nationally in compulsory education. The policy of ‘Three Limitations’ on public high schools recruiting students who select their schools will be improved and the fee charging by HEIs will be stringently restricted. All forms of expense apportion and hijacked fees will be prohibited. The efforts in governing themalpracticesuch as recruitment and examination will be intensified.
We will expand the openness to the outside world and strengthen the international cooperation and exchanges in the field of education.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to the reform and development of education. The objective of developing a well-off society has already clarified that the strategy of ‘Rejuvenating China through Science and Education’ and ‘ Developing China through Talents’ has brought the valuable historic opportunity for the educational reform and development in China. We have every confidence that with the joint endeavour of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, the educational reform and development in China will surely experience a new and historic leap in the near future.