snail snail-词汇,snail-简介

snail snail-词汇,snail-简介

snail_snail -词汇


snail_snail -简介

snailA member of a group ofgastropodmolluscs; most speciessecretea spiral shell for protection. Some species of snails don't make shells and are known as slugs.

Snail moves slowly, and consequently needs help from others often in order to get around, often by riding on Franklin's shell. Got angry in one episode by Franklin's excessive helping, Snail proved his capability by scaling a tallcliffto gather some crystals for thegroup.

freshwater or marine or terrestrial gastropod mollusk usually having an external enclosing spiral shell

escargot: edible terrestrial snail usually served in the shell with a sauce of meltedbutterandgarlic

gather snails; "We went snailing in thesummer"

The name snail applies to most members of the molluscanclassGastropodathat have coiled shells. Other gastropods, which lack a conspicuous shell, are commonly called slugs, and are scattered throughout groups that primarily include snails. Snails are found in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments. While most people are familiar with only terrestrial snails, the majority of snails are not terrestrial. ...


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《宦途迷情》是由海盐创作的现代文学,该作品2007年入驻网站现已完成。宦途迷情_《宦途迷情》 -简介:小说整体上布局了改革开放以来艳遇、婚外情、公媳乱伦、一夜性、杀人游戏等潮流词汇,生动地把一个纯美情感故事和血雨腥风的官场、商

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