spring security Security attributes Securityattributes-定义,Securityattrib

Security attributes - 定义:一组和负责人相关联的属性。Security attributes能够和一个负责人相关联,通过J2EE产品提供商制定的认证协议。

spring security Security attributes Securityattributes-定义,Securityattrib

SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_Security attributes -定义

一组和负责人相关联的属性。Security attributes能够和一个负责人相关联,通过J2EE产品提供商制定的认证协议。

SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_Security attributes -应用

The SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure contains the security descriptor for an object and specifies whether the handle retrieved by specifying this structure is inheritable.

typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { // sa
DWORD nLength;
LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor;
BOOL bInheritHandle;

Specifies the size, in bytes, of this structure. Set this value to the size of the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure.
Windows NT: Some functions that use the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure do not verify the value of the nLength member. However, an application should still set it properly. That ensures current, future, and cross-platform compatibility.

Pointer to a security descriptor for the object that controls the sharing of it. If NULL is specified for this member, the object may be assigned the default security descriptor of the calling process.
Windows 95 and Windows 98: The lpSecurityDescriptor member of the structure is ignored.

Specifies whether the returned handle is inherited when a new process is created. If this member is TRUE, the new process inherits the handle.
A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure is used as a parameter in most kernel and window-management functions in the Win32 API that return a handle of an object.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/8103220103/18294.html


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