影片讲述的是纽约时报驻柬埔寨的战地记者Sydney Schanberg与当地翻译Dith Pran的友情血泪故事。美国自柬埔寨撤军后,当地情势更为险恶,Sydney仍坚守在那,而多亏在当地人Dith Pran的帮忙,才能多次化险为夷度过鬼门关卡。没想到就在一次美国人士必须全面撤离柬埔寨的关键,Sydney的错估情势,让本来可以逃亡的Pran被红色高棉掳走,开始过着生不如死的生活……
战火屠城_战火屠城 -剧情介绍
战火屠城_战火屠城 -演职员表
罗兰・约菲 Roland Joffé
布鲁斯・罗宾逊 Bruce Robinson .....(screenplay)
Sam Waterston .....Sydney Schanberg
Haing S. Ngor .....Dith Pran (as Dr. Haing S Ngor)
约翰・马尔科维奇 John Malkovich .....Alan 'Al' Rockoff, Photographer
朱利安・山德斯 Julian Sands .....Jon Swain

格雷格・T・尼尔森 Craig T. Nelson .....Major Reeves, Military Attache
斯波尔丁・格雷 Spalding Gray .....United States consul
比尔・帕特森 Bill Paterson .....Dr. MacEntire
阿索尔・加德 Athol Fugard .....Dr. Sundesval
格拉汉姆・肯尼迪 Graham Kennedy .....Dougal
帕特里克・麦拉海德 Patrick Malahide .....Morgan
Nell Campbell .....Beth
Joan Harris .....TV Interviewer
Joanna Merlin .....Sydney Schanberg's Sister
Jay Barney .....Sydney Schanberg's Father
Mark Long .....Noaks
Sayo Inaba .....Mrs. Noaks
Mow Leng .....Sirik Matah
Chinsaure Sar .....Arresting Officer
Hout Ming Tran .....Khmer Rouge Cadre: First Village
Thach Suon .....Sahn
Neevy Pal .....Rosa
Charles Bodycomb .....Jeep driver (uncredited)
David Puttnam .....producer
Iain Smith .....associate producer
Enigma (First Casualty) Ltd.
Goldcrest Films Ltd. [英国]
International Film Investors
华纳兄弟公司 Warner Bros. [美国]
Braveworld Ltd. [英国] ..... (1991) (UK) (VHS)
Columbia-EMI-Warner [英国] ..... (1984) (UK) (theatrical)
Concorde Film [荷兰] ..... (1985) (Netherlands) (theatrical)
EuroVideo [德国] ..... (2003) (Germany) (DVD)
Flashstar [巴西] ..... (Brazil) (DVD)
Optimum Releasing [英国] ..... (2005) (UK) (DVD)
Transeuropa Video Entertainment (TVE) [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (video)
Warner Home Video (U.K.) Limited [英国] ..... (1986) (UK) (VHS)
华纳家庭视频公司 Warner Home Video [美国] ..... (video)
Bapty and Co. [英国] ..... armourer's employer
Camera Effects Limited [英国] ..... opticals
Kay Laboratories Ltd. [英国] ..... opticals
Location Caterers ..... catering
Mayflower Recording Ltd. [英国] ..... adr recording
Optical Film Effects Ltd. [英国] ..... opticals
The Grip House ..... grip's employer
Thorn EMI Film Studios Ltd. [英国] ..... dubbing mixing
West Germany
1985年6月20日 ..... (Davao)
Czech Republic
2004年4月17日 ..... (One World Film Festival)
战火屠城_战火屠城 -影片花絮
男配角斯波尔丁・格雷写了一场独角戏,是关于他在拍摄这部电影的经历,随后根据这个拍成了另一部电影Swimming to Cambodia(1987)。
吴汉(Haing S. Ngor)成为第一位东南亚(也是第一位佛教教徒)获得奥斯卡奖的演员。
在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,当吴汉(Haing S. Ngor)赢得最佳男配角奖的时候,他在十五岁侄女的陪伴下走上领奖台。就在这个时候,约翰・马尔科维奇开玩笑地大笑起来,对他说了一些柬埔寨语,令他的侄女大吃一惊,吴汉也笑了起来。约翰喊道:"这个奖项属于我的,屁股!"在吴汉的自传中,他说约翰・马尔科维奇学习柬埔寨骂人的脏话,兴趣十分浓厚。
战火屠城_战火屠城 -精彩对白
Dith Pran:[in his journal while imprisoned] The wind whispers of fear and hate. The war has killed love. And those that confess to the Angka are punished, and no one dare ask where they go. Here, only the silent survive.
Dith Pran:We must be like the ox, and have no thought, except for the Party. And have no love, but for the Angka. People starve, but we must not grow food. We must honor the comrade children, whose minds are not corrupted by the past.
[last lines - at their reunion, with warm smiles]
Sydney Schanberg:You forgive me?
Dith Pran:Nothing to forgive, Sydney. Nothing.
[listening to BBC reporter Hugh Elder's broadcast on the radio]
Jon Swain:Where do they get this crap?
Al Rockoff:That guy across the gate there. The little guy. Could we all not look at once, please? I have it on reliable sources that that's none other than Hugh Elder.
Jon Swain:You're kidding ...
Al Rockoff:He's disguised, but I got a little suspicious about it, you know what I mean?
Dith Pran:How does he get his copy out?
Al Rockoff: How does he get his copy out? Specially trained hens. Yeah, the BBC has commissioned them to walk past the Khmer Rouge like they're regular fowl, and then they've been crossing the border into Thailand every day and every night.
[Dith Pran is forced to leave the French Embassy]
Morgan:For chrissakes, Sydney, why didn't you get him out then you had the chance? You had no right to keep him here! Funny sense of priorities.
Dith Pran:I'm a reporter too, Morgan! I know his heart. I love him like my brother, and I'd do anything for him! Anything!
Jon Swain:If the going gets rough, I heard our best bet's the French embassy.
Sydney Schanberg:Who told you that?
Jon Swain:[faint chuckle] The British embassy.
Dith Pran:[during the fall of Phnom Penh] "Sidney! No more fighting! No more war!"
[You know Pran's not going to last five minutes out there, Jon, the Khmer Rouge have killed every fucking journalist they've ever caught. Does Sydney know how serious this is?]
[Of course he bloody knows!]
[Because we can't just let him walk out of here!]
[first lines]
Sydney Schanberg:Cambodia. To many westerners it seemed a paradise. Another world, a secret world. But the war in neighboring Vietnam burst it's borders, and the fighting soon spread to neutral Cambodia. In 1973 I went to cover this side-show struggle as a foreign correspondent of the New York Times. It was there, in the war-torn country side amidst the fighting between government troops and the Khmer Rouge guerrillas, that I met my guide and interpreter, Dith Pran. A man who was to change my life in a country I grew to love and pity.
radio announcer:So here we go with Voice of America. News for Southeast Asia. It's 6:45 and a partly cloudy morning here. Clouds too in Washington. President Nixon has announced that he will address the nation on the Water Gate case within the next few days. The speech will be Mr. Nixon's first comments since May on the scandal which has resulted in resignations and nearly paralyzed the White House staff. It has also led to a tense confrontation, and perhaps a constitutional crises, with Senate investigators and the special Water Gate prosecutor. His speech was announced after the Gallop Poll disclosed that Mr. Nixon's popularity had fallen to the lowest point for an American president in 20 years...
Dith Pran:They tell us that God is dead. And now the Party, they call the Uncle, will provide everything for us. He says, Uncle has identified and proclaims that the existence of a bad new disease, a memory sickness like those that think too much about life in pre-revolutionary Cambodia. He says, we are surrounded by enemies. The enemy is inside us. No one can be trusted.
[young boy Xs out parents in stick figure family on blackboard]
Dith Pran:We must be like the ox and have no thought, except for the Party. No laugh, but for the Uncle. People starve, but we must not grow food. We must honor the comrade children, whose minds are not corrupted by the past.
战火屠城_战火屠城 -获奖记录
奥斯卡金像奖美国金球奖战火屠城_战火屠城 -影片评论
Every so often, there is a film that is destined to be talked about and remembered for years to come.