Mammoth Tank,中文名:猛犸坦克,是一种GDI的大型火力坦克。装备两门150毫米炮管,二重的导弹发射架以攻击步兵和飞机,有大量毁灭性火力。它可以升级成包括反飞机和反步兵的不同武器。你也可以升级伴随着railgun的加农炮。

mammoth_Mammoth Tank -英文
Mammoth Tank: This is the BIG gun for the GDI. Comes equipped with twin barrels (150MM), dual missile pods for attacking infantry and aircraft, and lots of destructive firepower. It can be upgraded with various weapons including anti-aircraft and anti-infantry. You can also upgrade the cannons with railguns. The tank has an engineering crew that can repair it's armor to 50% if it becomes heavily damaged in battle.
mammoth_Mammoth Tank -中文