生活大爆炸经典台词 生活大爆炸50句经典台词

  1. I don’t need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where, in this swamp of unbalanced formulas, squatteth the toad of truth.


  2.I’ve lived up to my commitments under the agreement. At least once a day I ask how you are, even though I simply don’t care. I no longer stage spontaneous biohazard drills after 10 pm, and I abandoned my goal to master Tuvan throat singing.


  3. Oh, I don’t want to know that! How can I possibly discuss with Stan Lee the scientific foundation for interstellar flight on a silver surfboard when part of my brain will be scanning his face for signs of a contagious skin disease?


  4.I don’t trust banks. I believe that when the robots rise up, ATM’s will lead the charge.


  5. Oh, no. A Godzilla-like monster is approaching the city. I have to get my people to safety. “People of Sheldonopolis, this is your mayor. Follow me. If the children can’t run, leave them behind!” Oh, the simulated horror!


  6. There isn’t enough chamomile tea in the world to quell the rage in my heart.


  7.We are winged fury! Which is still no excuse for going over the posted speed limit.


  8.If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop listening to you and start talking.


  9.Look at you, getting me to engage in the social sciences. You’re a vixen, Amy Farrah Fowler.


  10.You did not “break up” with Joyce Kim. She defected to North Korea.


  11、Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch.


  12.There wouldn't have been any ass kickings if that stupid death ray had worked.


  13. If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield.


  14. Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.


  15、Howard is teaching Sheldon Chinese.

  Howard: You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Mandarin.

  Sheldon: Why?Howard: Once you're fluent, you'll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.




  16.I love Strawberry Quik! It’s my favorite pink fluid, narrowly beating out Pepto Bismol.


  17. The need to find another human being to share one’s life with has always puzzled me. Maybe because I’m so interesting all by myself. With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own.


  18. Aah! A vintage mint-in-the-box, 1975 Mego Star Trek Transporter with Real Transporter Action! Hot darn!


  19.Oooh. That’s what I always thought 1975 smelled like.


  20.Perhaps you should look with your eyes and not your muscular Nebraska man hands.


  21.This is Steven Hawking! Perhaps my only intellectual equal!


  22.Try and put yourself in my place. Imagine you’re the sole human being living on a planet populated with nothing but dogs and then it turns out, there’s another human being.


生活大爆炸经典台词 生活大爆炸50句经典台词

  23.Au contraire. When I correct people, I’m raising them up. You should know. I do it for you more than anyone.


  24.If we squeeze you any tighter you might turn into a diamond.


  25.I understand the confusion. I never said that you are not good at what you do. It’s just that what you do is not worth doing.


  26.I wish you all could be inside my head. The conversation is sparkling.


  27.If I am to participate in the social convention that is the stag night, then I must embrace all its components including tobacco, swear words, and yes – alcohol. Jeepers – that’s yucky!


  28. As you know, the essence of diplomacy is compromise. With that in mind I propose the following: I will take Rothman’s office and you will find a way to be okay with that.


  29.I’m trying to raise the temperature in here before my nipples rip through my shirt.


  30.Hey gravel monkeys! If you need to shake rocks, try jiggling your heads around!


  31.They do men’s and women’s hair in the same room at the same time. It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah with mousse.


  32.I have spent my whole life trying to bring order to the universe by carefully planning every moment of every day. But for all my efforts --like the dinner schedule, the pajama rotation, my bowel movement spreadsheet -- it’s clear now, I’m wasting my time.


  33.She’s 93. She won’t be disappointed for long.


  34.I am a man of science, not someone’s snuggle bunny.


  35.There’s a bird outside the window, and he won’t go away. That is the hell that is going on.


  36.It’s called ornithophobia, and someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and then the landlord will be required by law to put a giant net over the building. Which is unfortunate because I have a fear of nets.


  37.Hummingbirds are the vampires of the flower world.


  38.I’m in the Matrix, Leonard. I see everything.


  39. What sight is better than your little boy embarrassing a Nobel laureate?


  40.Are you trying to suggest that my emotional problems are no different than those of a stupid person?


  41.It’s not suspicious that I’m fixating – it’s consistent with my personality.


  42.I tried to scare an Indian with a snake. Come on Cooper, you're better than this!


  43.Well, if it’s any help, I’ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss.


  44. I’ve prepared a number of topics that should appeal to the advanced and novice conversationalist.


  45. I trusted you with my email address and you betrayed that trust by sending me Internet banalities -- Strike One. Touching my food -- Strike Two.


  46.Greetings, Hamburger Toucher. You are probably wondering why you cannot IM with your little friends about how much you "heart" various things.


  47.I really don't think this is the kind of thing Jesus concerns himself with.


  48. I'm not insane -- my mother had me tested.


  49. I never eat in strange restaurants. One runs the risk of non-standard cutlery.... Three tines is not a fork. Three tines is a trident. Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the Seven Seas.


  50. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I insult you? Is your body mass somehow tied into your self worth?



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/7910871/893151200.html


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大保镖,著名传统相声,目前以马志明、黄族民表演的较出名。大致内容来自张寿臣的《倭瓜镖》,讲述俩习武的兄弟由于学武不精在保镖时闹笑话的故事。大保镖台词_大保镖 -概述著名传统相声,目前以马志明、黄族民表演的较出名。大致内容来

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