

  Tomorrow is the eighth day of the 12th lunar month on the traditional Chinese calendar. It is also the Laba Festival, in Chinese, Laba means ‘gold eighth’ and refers to the traditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year.


  On this day a special hot rice porridge, called Laba Zhou, is eaten, which contains glutinous rice, red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, dried lotus seeds and etc. Eating porridge on Laba is believed to bring good fortune in the New Year. The flavor varies from place to place, in the North, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the South, salt and seasonal vegetables are put in.

  This tradition has its roots in the Buddhist faith. It is said when Sakyamuni left home and strived for virtue, he fainted on the way because of hunger and tiredness. A shepherdess passing by saved him and cooked for him some porridge with glutinous rice and nuts. Then Sakyamuni sat under a bodhi tree in meditation and found Buddhism. So later the believers formed the habit of cooking Laba Zhou to commemorate it.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/7848671/761729197.html


腊八节为什么喝腊八粥 腊八节喝腊八粥有什么好处

   今天我们就迎来了一年一度的腊八节,就更少不了喝腊八粥了。那你知道腊八节喝腊八粥有什么好处吗?下面我们就带着这个疑问去详细了解喝腊八粥的众多好处吧。  “腊八”食粥养生益寿  腊八节喝上一碗热腾腾的腊八粥

腊八节吃腊八粥的寓意 腊八节喝碗腊八粥暖胃健脾

   明天是农历的十二月初八,就是我国的传统节日“腊八节”。这一天,民间有吃腊八粥、腌腊八蒜的习俗。其实,腊八时节喝腊八粥,还有暖胃健脾的养生作用。  医生推荐腊八粥,豆腐蔬菜皆入粥  腊八粥的食材,最早是用八种新鲜的粮

喝腊八粥的寓意 腊八节为什么要喝腊八粥

 腊八节为什么要喝腊八粥?爱华阅读配图  腊八节喝腊八粥的原因  俗语“腊七腊八,冻掉下巴”,所以在腊八这天,家家户户喝腊八粥,为的就是以防下巴被冻掉。关于腊八粥的起源,一般认为源自佛教,所以腊八粥也叫“佛粥”,民间也有把


   腊八节(阴历十二月初八日),中国老百姓有吃腊八粥的传统习俗。  “腊八粥”又叫佛粥、福寿粥、五味粥和七宝粥。据《辞海》“腊八粥”条中云:“十二月八日为释迦牟尼佛成道日,故寺院取香谷及果实造粥以供佛。其后民间亦相

腊八节吃腊八粥的寓意 腊八节的小吃及寓意

   腊八节的小吃及寓意  腊八节除了腊八粥,还有很多其他的小吃,例如腊八豆腐、腊八蒜、腊八面等。国人总是愿意在吃上面下功夫,所以很多美味传承、发展,到了现在福泽后人,我们真是有口福。  1、腊八豆腐  “腊八豆腐”是
