英文求职信开头 英文求职信开头常用词

英文求职信开头 英文求职信开头常用词

   ◆I interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager has prompted me to forward my resume for your review an consideration.  ◆ The sales Manager position advertised in the Chicago Tribune on October 12 intrigues me. I believe you will find me well-qualified.  ◆ Your October 30 advertisement in The Jackson Review calls for an Administrative Assistant with a background rich in a variety of administrative skills ,such as mine.  ◆ My desire to locate a responsible position in plant management has prompted me to forward the attached for your consideration.  ◆ I am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmers in your organization.  ◆ Are you currently seeking a security specialist to maintain or upgrade the security of your organization?If so, I would like to apply for the position.  ◆ My interest in joining Any Corporation as a licensed electrician had prompted me to forward my resume for your review.  ◆ Having majored in mathematics at Rice University, where I also worked as a Research Assistant, I am confident that I would make a successful addition to your Economics Research Department.  ◆ At the suggestion of Walter Durrane, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration pertaining to consulting or related assignments with Any Corporation.  ◆ I am forwarding my resume in regards to the opening we discussed in your Marketing Department.  ◆ I want a job. Not any job with any company,but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons:Your organization is more than just a company. It is an institution in the minds of the Chinese public.  ◆ Attention of Human Resource Manager:Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get started. At the bottom,perhaps,but started


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/6990271/187012110.html


英文求职信 银行英文求职信

温馨提示:英文求职信的主要内容和中文求职信基本一致。下面列举一篇银行英文求职信范文:On my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import

英文求职信范文 销售员英文求职信范文

销售员英文求职信范文一Dear Sir,I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in .I graduated from the College of Business in June of 1990. Since that time I h

网络用语称呼 英文求职信称呼用语

英文求职信上的称呼用语,你写对了吗?给男士写信用 “ Mr. 先生)给女士写信用 “ Miss 小姐) Mrs. 夫人)或 “ Ms. 信函中使用的礼节性称呼很多。一般说来。越来越多的人喜欢用 “ Ms. 来笼统地称呼女性,女士)近年来。【英文求职信称

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