


  Sometimes it is difficult to understand your parents for they are from a different generation. Yes, we know how it feels but remember friends, your folks are the ones who picked you up every time you fell down when you were young. Here are top 5 ways to convey your love to them.


  1. Don’t send them gifts only on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day


  Do you regularly give gifts to your partner? Does your partner give you gifts from time to time? Well, we see no reason to exclude your parents from your gifting list. Give them small gifts from time to time to convey your love.


  2. Spend more time with them


  If the CEO of the world’s biggest company can take time out to meet his parents, so can you. Remember ladies, work and other little troubles of life will come and go, but your parents are here to stay. Go meet them often and spend more time in their lovely company.


  3. Go through your childhood pictures with them


  We will never understand how it feels to spend great times with children until we have our own. Why don’t you prepare an album of your childhood and go through it with your parents? They will love remembering the ‘good old times’.


  4. Make your partner pay them ‘surprise visits’



  We think that all parents will love it if the partners of their children go and visit them. It gives them a sense of an ‘extended family’. And deep down inside, they will know that you’re in safe hands.


  5. Call them regularly


  “Hello mom. I was running an errand this afternoon and just thought of giving you a quick call and saying hi. How are you?” How difficult is it to say this line over the phone? Your call will bring a smile to their faces.

  “你好妈妈。我今天下午要出差,给你打个电话问候一下。你还好吗?” 在电话里说出这句话很难吗?你的来电会让他们展露笑颜。

  It doesn’t take a lot to make your parents feel loved. Make our tips a part of your routine and we assure you that your parents will feel the warmth and love that they deserve.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/6967371/83800144.html


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