英语短语趣味记忆法 趣味英语图文短语


  什么天长地久 只是随便说说。。

  Enduring as the universe just saying what..

  Those in your reply well after the man off the reel, you must cherish!



  I also want to have a person afraid of losing me.


  Some good friends, really is imperceptibly drift apart, you even do not know what reason


  Do you believe there is a feeling, a lifetime will not lose time

  Before anyone in my life as a guest, I now in the lives of others begin to act as guest.

  人生本来就变化无常 ,我们能做的就是适应各种变化!

  这个世界很小 我们就这样遇见 这个世界很大 分开就很难再见

  The world is very small so we'll meet the world apart is very difficult to see


  Some good friends, really is imperceptibly drift apart, you even do not know what reason

英语短语趣味记忆法 趣味英语图文短语


  Do you believe there is a feeling, a lifetime will not lose time

  Before anyone in my life as a guest, I now in the lives of others begin to act as guest.

  人生本来就变化无常 ,我们能做的就是适应各种变化!

  这个世界很小 我们就这样遇见 这个世界很大 分开就很难再见

  The world is very small so we'll meet the world apart is very difficult to see


  The so-called strong, is with pride at does not belong to things complete departure.


  I have done a lot of people, but never make yourself

  因为苦涩,才去品尝,因为感动,才去深爱 。

  Because of the bitter, just to taste, because of moving, to a deep love.


  I know you in my world there, never want to leave.


  Afraid of what distant journey. Step one step one step further scenery, joy.


  People are tired of living, is because cannot lay down shelf, tear open face, inextricability complex.

  因为苦涩,才去品尝,因为感动,才去深爱 。

  Because of the bitter, just to taste, because of moving, to a deep love.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/6763271/969019793.html


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