出国留学个人简历范文 出国留学简历范文


  Apt. 1XX, XX Wuyi Road Changsha, Hunan, P.R. China 410007


  19XX.3-present Materials Engineer

出国留学个人简历范文 出国留学简历范文

  Hunan Human Resource, Changsha, China.

  Direct and conduct studies on forming and thermal treatment of mentals. Al-based alloys and metallic materials and on the properties and characterization of materials.

  Co-ordinate production testing and control of metal refining and foundry operations.

  Inspecting and testing the quality of materials products for exporting & importing.

  Supervise technical staff and manage materials-related projects/contracts.

  19XX.8-XX.11 Metallurgical Engineer

  Changsha Machine Tools Foundry Plant, Changsha, China

  Co-ordingate production testing and control of metal smelting, molding, forming.

  Heat treatment processing of dual-metal band saw imported from Germany. Materials selection and test, welding.


  19XX.8-19XX.8 National University of Science & Defense Technology, Changsha, China. B. Eng. in Metallurgical Engineering.

        注:更多精彩文章请关注爱华简历模板 栏目。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/6438671/926840394.html


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大学生个人简历范文XXX性别:女毕业院校:某市理工大学出生年月:197x年3月3日专业:工业企业管理(本科)通信地址:某某省某市某镇某街邮政邮编:123456联系电话:13888888888电子邮件: diyifanwen@diyifanwen.com技能总结英语水平:能熟

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