1. the olympic motto first appeared officially in 1920 antwerp games
2. the olympic motto has been inspiring modern olympians since its introduction at the 1920 games

3. the olympic motto supposes the progress of human capacity on the basis of mental and physical improvement of man ' s natural qualities
4. the olympic creed and motto are meant to spur the athletes to embrace the olympic spirit and perform to the best of their ablities
5. the olympic creed and motto are meant to spur the athletes to embrace the olympic spirit and perform to the best of their abilities
6. struck by the succinctness of this phrase , baron pierre de coubertin made it the olympic motto , pointing out that " athletes need " freedom of excess "
奥林匹克格言,亦称奥林匹克座右铭或口号,系奥林匹克运动宗旨之一。奥林匹克格言是: "更快更高更强" 。
7. the sense of the olympic motto is that being first is not necessarily a priority , but that giving one ' s best and striving for personal execllence is a worthwhile goal
8. according to the olympic charter , the olympic motto expresses the message which the ioc addresses to all who belong to the olympic movement , inviting them to excel in accordance with the olympic spirit
9. with the revival of the olympic games , a number of symbolic olympic traditions were also developed and established ( i . e . the olympic anthem , the olympic creed , the olympic flag , the olympic flame and torch )
10. the olympic motto can not only apply to the individual athlete who makes great achievements in his or her chosen field , but also apply to sports bodies , clubs , organizations and even states committed to the philosophy of modern olympics
11. it is composed of the american flag presented in the form of arms , accompanied , in the foreground , by the olympic rings , the olympic motto " citius , altius , fortius " ( faster , higher , stronger ) and a laurel branch , symbol of victory
在盾形的星条旗前方, “更快、更高、更强”的奥林匹克格言号召着运动员奋力向上,代表胜利的橄榄枝条缠绕在奥运五环上,强化了本届会徽的竞争意义。
12. is the olympic motto . the olympic game is the international arena viewed by millions where the athlete ' s spirit , mind and body endeavour to excel and achieve the higher standard than the presently existing ones ; thus fulfilling the olympic motto
这句格言是顾拜旦的一位密友迪东于1895年在其学生举行的一次户外活动上提出的,顾拜旦对此颇为赞赏,经他提议, 1913年获国际奥委会正式批准,将其定为奥林匹克格言。