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英语四级阅读理解训练 大学英语四级考试阅读提高训练


To call something “marginal” means it is not very good. Farmers have their own way to   47_____ marginal land: It is the last to be planted under good conditions, and has the   48_____   to be avoided under poor conditions. Low   49_____   soil is not the only reason land could be considered marginal. It might be in an area where rainfall is   50_____   or where a hillside might rise too steeply (陡峭地).

There are uses for marginal land, however. Most often it is used as grassland. Grasses provide excellent   51_____   for grazing (吃草)animals like cattle, sheep and goats. Grass seed can be bought from a foreign supplier or   52_____   grasses can be used. However, using marginal land for grazing is not a simple issue. There is a   53_____   of overgrazing. Cattle can damage the crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the weight of the animals crushes the soil and can make it too hard for growing. A(n)  54_____  way to reduce the harm is to move animals from one field to another. This method is known as rotational grazing (循环放牧)which is extremely important for marginal land.

Another use for marginal land is for tree crops. Studies have   55 _____  that the white pine and loblolly pine (火炬松)are two kinds of trees that grow well on such land.

Failure to protect marginal lands can make a bad situation worse.But good planning can   56_____   a marginal resource into a highly productive one.

A)feed          F) define                K) native
B) priority      G) adequate            L) revealed
C) transplant   H) transform          M) prejudice
D) effective     I) discouraging        N) hazard
E) limited         J) quality               O) recovered
47. F。marginal land冒号后面的内容,边缘地如果状况好的话,是最后一片被播种的地。显然是在对marginal land进行定义,故答案为F。

48. B。前句说:边缘地如果状况好的话,是最后一片被播种的地;据此可以推断,如果状况不好,也就不会被播种。空后的不定式短语做后置定语。

49. J。此空需要填的词来修饰soil,后面谈到的是自然和地理条件,因此这里应该填一个表示土壤质量的词。Quality符合句意。

50. E。由于连接词是 “or”,后面谈到的山坡上升太陡峭,or连接的前后句意思应该接近。故推测这里肯定是雨水不足。

51. A。草是为食草动物提供了优质的饲料,feed此处为名词,意为“饲料”,因此正确答案为A。

52. K。此空需要填入形容词来修饰grasses, 根据本句与foreign“国外的”相对的应是“native国内的”,答案为K。

53. N。此空需要填入名词,根据下文牲畜对草场的破坏。可知过度放牧具有危险性。

54. D。此空需要填入形容词,根据下文减少破坏的一种……方法是将动物从一快地迁移到另一快地。改段最后一句提到循环放牧非常重要。据此推断空缺处应填 effective“有效的”。

55. L。第一句指出边缘第的另一种用途是用来种树。空缺处是对此句的具体解释。句中缺少动词,故选reveal,意为“揭示”,符合句意。

56. H。前句说如果不能保护好边缘地会使情况更糟。but表示转折,空缺处句子的意思和前句相反。据此可知好的规划能将边缘地变成高产地。Transform 意为“转化”,符合句意。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/5987071/340534581.html


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