hometown 有关青运会的英语作文:My hometown of fuzhou

  有关青运会的英语作文:My hometown of fuzhou

  My hometown is located in pengjie industrial park, fuzhou, also called "blessed land". We fuzhou, spring-like seasons, fruits breeze, rich products. We are fuzhou specialty fish balls, it tastes delicious, very delicious. I love my hometown very much. ,, cangshan district, I live in the city is also called "the pearl of tainan. Our fuzhou is the most beautiful scenic spots for drum mountain. It is not as magnificent as wuyi mountain, also not as steep as huangshan, but very beautiful and lovely. Fuzhou is the most beautiful street pedestrian street. Streets lined with trees, flowers, there are many new buildings. In fuzhou, there is a small island, it is "islands". "Islands" is the city that never sleeps, and at night, people busy, lights on the island, very busy. The most famous two Bridges in the city of fuzhou is liberation bridge and three counties chau bridge, they to the cultural exchange and says ha tae-keung, cangshan district, promote the city zone plays a big role. There are many places of historic interest in fuzhou and many new high-rise buildings, overpasses, standing on high, he is full of trees, modern buildings are everywhere.

  When night falls, all lighted lamp with light, the cars on the street one after another, like a glow lines, past high-rise buildings with embedded like gem of colorful lights, this colourful light reflected in minjiang water constitute a beautiful pattern.

  Fuzhou fuzhou is beautiful, we love! We love this provincial capital city!






hometown 有关青运会的英语作文:My hometown of fuzhou

  好人好事作文600字 八篇


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/5927871/745934986.html



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